The Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong is a captivating urban fantasy collection that explores the complex world of supernatural beings coexisting with humans. The series follows the lives of various characters, including werewolves, witches, and necromancers, as they navigate love, loyalty, and survival in a realm where the line between good and evil is often blurred. The first book, "Bitten," introduces readers to Elena Michaels, the only female werewolf in existence, who struggles to balance her human life with her supernatural obligations. Throughout the series, readers are drawn into a richly imagined universe filled with action, suspense, and intriguing character development, making it a must-read for fans of the urban fantasy genre...
Kim Harrison
The Hollows series
Fans of Kelley Armstrong's 'Otherworld' series will enjoy Kim Harrison's 'The Hollows', which is also filled with supernatural creatures such as witches, vampires, and pixies. The series follows Rachel Morgan, a witch and bounty hunter, as she navigates the dangerous world of the supernatural and solves mysteries.
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The Dresden Files series
For readers who enjoy the urban fantasy and mystery elements of 'Otherworld', 'The Dresden Files' series by Jim Butcher is a great choice. The series follows Harry Dresden, a wizard and private investigator, as he solves supernatural crimes in Chicago.
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The Iron Druid Chronicles
Fans of 'Otherworld' will enjoy 'The Iron Druid Chronicles' by Kevin Hearne, which features a diverse cast of supernatural creatures and follows the adventures of Atticus O'Sullivan, the last of the Druids, as he battles ancient gods and mythical creatures.
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The October Daye series
Readers who enjoy Kelley Armstrong's 'Otherworld' series will appreciate the strong female protagonist and urban fantasy setting of 'The October Daye series' by Seanan McGuire. The series follows Toby Daye, a changeling private investigator, as she solves mysteries and battles supernatural foes in San Francisco.
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The Mercy Thompson series
Fans of 'Otherworld' will enjoy the blend of urban fantasy, mystery, and romance in Patricia Briggs' 'Mercy Thompson' series. The series follows Mercy Thompson, a shapeshifter and mechanic, as she navigates the dangerous world of the supernatural and solves mysteries.
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The Night Huntress series
For readers who enjoy the paranormal romance elements of 'Otherworld', 'The Night Huntress' series by Jeaniene Frost is a great choice. The series follows Cat Crawfield, a half-vampire, as she battles supernatural foes and falls in love with a vampire.
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The Sookie Stackhouse series
Fans of 'Otherworld' will enjoy the blend of mystery, romance, and supernatural elements in Charlaine Harris' 'Sookie Stackhouse' series. The series follows Sookie Stackhouse, a telepathic waitress, as she navigates the dangerous world of vampires, shapeshifters, and other supernatural creatures in Louisiana.
Learn MoreFaith Hunter
The Jane Yellowrock series
Fans of 'Otherworld' will enjoy the blend of urban fantasy, mystery, and action in Faith Hunter's 'Jane Yellowrock' series. The series follows Jane Yellowrock, a skinwalker and vampire hunter, as she navigates the dangerous world of the supernatural and solves mysteries.
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