The Dempseys series by Jennifer Crusie is a captivating and humorous contemporary romance series that revolves around the lives of the Dempsey family members. Each book in the series focuses on a different Dempsey sibling, exploring their romantic relationships, personal growth, and family dynamics. Crusie's writing style is engaging and witty, with a perfect blend of romance, humor, and intrigue. The series delves into the complexities of modern family life while highlighting the importance of love, trust, and self-discovery. The first book, "Welcome to Temptation," introduces readers to the Dempsey family and sets the stage for the rest of the series. The series continues with "Bet Me," featuring the second Dempsey sibling, Cal, and his romantic journey. The third book, "Faking It," follows the youngest Dempsey, Lindsey, as she navigates her own love story. The Dempseys series is a delightful and entertaining read for fans of contemporary romance and romantic comedies. It offers a refreshing take on family dynamics and romantic relationships, making it a must-read for fans of Jennifer Crusie's work and those looking for a charming and engaging romance series...
Jennifer Crusie
Welcome to Temptation
If you enjoy the witty banter and romantic tension between the characters in the Dempseys series, you'll love Welcome to Temptation. This standalone novel by Jennifer Crusie follows the story of Sophie Dempsey, a small-town woman who finds herself in the middle of a political scandal and a hot affair with a handsome stranger.
Learn MoreAnne Gracie
The Husband Hunt
Readers who enjoyed the romantic relationships in the Dempseys series will appreciate the slow-burn romance in The Husband Hunt. This historical romance novel by Anne Gracie tells the story of a young woman who sets out to find a husband and ends up falling in love with a man who is not what he seems.
Learn MoreJulia Quinn, Eloisa James,
The Lady Most Likely
Readers who enjoyed the witty banter and romantic tension in the Dempseys series will appreciate the same elements in The Lady Most Likely. This historical romance novel is written by three authors and tells the story of a young woman who is pursued by three eligible bachelors.
Learn MoreDurjoy Datta
The Heiress
Readers who enjoyed the family dynamics and romantic relationships in the Dempseys series will appreciate the same elements in The Heiress. This contemporary romance novel tells the story of a young woman who must choose between her family's expectations and her own heart.
Learn MoreTessa Dare
The Duchess Deal
Fans of the Dempseys series will enjoy the humor and romantic tension in The Duchess Deal. This historical romance novel tells the story of a young woman who is proposed to by a duke with a scarred face and must navigate their unconventional relationship.
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