Discover books similar to "Newford" series

Newford series cover

Charles de Lint

"Newford" series


The Newford series is a captivating collection of urban fantasy stories centered around the fictional city of Newford. The series explores themes of magic, mythology, and the supernatural as it weaves together tales of diverse characters navigating the complexities of urban life.

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Newford" series:

American Gods cover

Neil Gaiman

American Gods

This book explores the idea of old gods living in America and the main character, Shadow, getting caught up in their power struggle. Like Newford, American Gods has a strong urban fantasy setting and deals with mythology and folklore in a modern context.

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The Iron Druid Chronicles cover

Kevin Hearne

The Iron Druid Chronicles

This series follows Atticus O'Sullivan, the last of the Druids, as he battles various mythological creatures in modern-day America. The series shares the urban fantasy setting and the blend of modern and magical elements found in Newford.

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The City & the City cover

China Miéville

The City & the City

This novel explores the idea of two cities occupying the same physical space but being separate political entities. The book shares the urban setting and the exploration of the fantastical in the mundane found in Newford.

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The Night Circus cover

Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus

This novel follows the lives of two magicians, Celia and Marco, as they compete in a magical circus. The book shares the magical realism and the focus on the power of imagination and storytelling found in Newford.

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Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell cover

Susanna Clarke

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

This novel follows the lives of two magicians, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, as they bring magic back to England during the Napoleonic Wars. The book shares the historical fiction and the blend of magic and reality found in Newford.

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The Darkest Part of the Forest cover

Holly Black

The Darkest Part of the Forest

This novel follows the lives of Hazel and her brother Ben as they uncover the secrets of their small town, including a horned boy in a glass coffin in the forest. The book shares the blend of folklore and modernity found in Newford.

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The Golem and the Jinni cover

Helene Wecker

The Golem and the Jinni

This novel follows the lives of a golem and a jinni as they navigate life in early 20th century New York City. The book shares the blend of folklore and historical fiction found in Newford.

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The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms cover

N.K. Jemisin

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

This novel follows the life of Yeine Darr, an outcast, as she navigates the treacherous politics of her grandfather's court. The book shares the blend of mythology and fantasy found in Newford.

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