Tir Alainn is a dark fantasy series that explores the lives of the inhabitants of a mystical land. Bishop's vivid storytelling and richly drawn characters create an immersive and thrilling adventure that delves into the depths of human nature and the power of community.
N.K. Jemisin
The Inheritance Trilogy
Fans of Tir Alainn's intricate worldbuilding and complex characters will be drawn into the Inheritance Trilogy, where gods, demons, and mortals vie for power in a world on the brink of destruction.
Learn MorePatricia Briggs
The Mercy Thompson series
Readers who enjoy the political intrigue and supernatural elements in Tir Alainn will love the Mercy Thompson series, where a shape-shifting mechanic must navigate the dangerous world of werewolves, vampires, and fae in modern-day America.
Learn MoreJeaniene Frost
The Night Huntress series
For those who enjoy the romantic tension and supernatural action in Tir Alainn, the Night Huntress series offers a thrilling ride with its blend of vampire mythology, romance, and adventure.
Learn MoreKim Harrison
The Hollows series
For readers who enjoy the blend of fantasy and mystery in Tir Alainn, The Hollows series offers a thrilling ride with its combination of witchcraft, vampires, and fairies in an alternate history Cincinnati.
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