Beauty Pop is a charming and heartwarming series written by Kiyoko Arai. The series follows the life of Kiri, a talented hairstylist, as she helps her classmates with their beauty problems and finds love along the way. With cute characters, sweet plotlines, and a focus on the power of friendship, the Beauty Pop series is a great read for fans of romance and slice-of-life stories.
Bisco Hatori
Ouran High School Host Club, Vol. 1
If you enjoyed the humor and reverse harem elements in Beauty Pop, you'll love Ouran High School Host Club. This manga series follows Haruhi, a scholarship student at an elite academy, who accidentally joins the school's host club filled with handsome boys. As she pretends to be a boy to pay off her debt, Haruhi navigates hilarious situations and unpredictable relationships with the club members.
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Vampire Knight, Vol. 1
Vampire Knight is a dark, romantic manga series about Yuki Cross, a guardian of the prestigious Cross Academy, which separates humans and vampires during the day and night. Yuki struggles to maintain the balance between her human life and her connection to the enigmatic vampire, Kaname. If you're looking for a series with a strong female lead, supernatural elements, and romance, Vampire Knight is a great choice.
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