This gritty crime series follows Katie Maguire, a tough and determined detective inspector in the Irish Garda Síochána, as she battles organized crime and corruption in Cork, Ireland. With its vivid settings and compelling characters, this series is a must-read for fans of crime fiction and police procedurals.
Ken Bruen
The Guards
If you're a fan of Graham Masterton's Katie Maguire series, you'll enjoy Ken Bruen's The Guards. This crime novel features Detective Sergeant Jack Taylor, a troubled cop with a strong moral compass, as he investigates the murder of a French priest in Galway, Ireland. Bruen's gritty, realistic style and exploration of the darker side of human nature make this a great match for fans of Masterton's work.
Learn MoreMichael Connelly
The Black Echo
Michael Connelly's The Black Echo is a must-read for fans of Katie Maguire. This crime thriller follows Harry Bosch, a Vietnam War veteran and detective for the LAPD, as he investigates the murder of a fellow soldier. With its complex characters, intricate plot, and exploration of the darker side of human nature, The Black Echo is a great match for fans of Masterton's work.
Learn MoreTana French
In the Woods
Tana French's In the Woods is a psychological thriller that will appeal to fans of Katie Maguire. This novel follows detective Rob Ryan as he investigates the murder of a 12-year-old girl in Dublin, Ireland. As he delves deeper into the case, he must confront his own past and the secrets that lie within. French's exploration of the human psyche and the complexities of memory make this a great match for fans of Masterton's work.
Learn MoreTess Gerritsen
The Silent Girl
Tess Gerritsen's The Silent Girl is a thrilling crime novel that fans of Katie Maguire will enjoy. This novel follows detective Jane Rizzoli as she investigates the murder of a woman found in the Chinatown neighborhood of Boston. As she delves deeper into the case, she uncovers a web of secrets and lies that lead her to the darkest corners of the city. Gerritsen's exploration of the human psyche and the complexities of memory make this a great match for fans of Masterton's work.
Learn MoreTess Gerritsen
The Surgeon
Tess Gerritsen's The Surgeon is a gripping crime novel that fans of Katie Maguire will enjoy. This novel follows detective Jane Rizzoli as she hunts down a serial killer who is targeting women in Boston. The Surgeon is a fast-paced, suspenseful thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Gerritsen's exploration of the human psyche and the complexities of memory make this a great match for fans of Masterton's work.
Learn MoreTana French
The Likeness
The Likeness by Tana French is a psychological thriller that fans of Katie Maguire will enjoy. This novel follows detective Cassie Maddox as she investigates the murder of a woman who looks just like her. As she delves deeper into the case, she must confront the darkness within herself and the secrets that lie at the heart of the community. French's exploration of the human psyche and the complexities of memory make this a great match for fans of Masterton's work.
Learn MoreTana French
The Secret Place
The Secret Place by Tana French is a psychological thriller that fans of Katie Maguire will enjoy. This novel follows detective Stephen Moran as he investigates the murder of a teenage boy at an all-girls boarding school. As he delves deeper into the case, he must navigate the complex web of relationships and secrets that lie within the school. French's exploration of the human psyche and the complexities of memory make this a great match for fans of Masterton's work.
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