Sujata Massey's Rei Shimura series follows the adventures of a Japanese-American antiques dealer who becomes embroiled in a series of mysteries. Set against the backdrop of modern-day Japan, these novels are a fascinating exploration of culture, identity, and crime.
Alexander McCall Smith
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
If you enjoyed the Rei Shimura series for its strong female protagonist and unique cultural setting, you may enjoy The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. This series is set in Botswana and follows the adventures of Precious Ramotswe, the first female detective in the country. The series offers a fresh, engaging perspective on the mystery genre and features a strong, relatable female lead.
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The Inspector Gamache Series
If you enjoyed the Rei Shimura series for its strong, relatable female lead and its focus on character development, you may enjoy the Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny. This series is set in Quebec and follows the adventures of Inspector Gamache, a thoughtful, introspective detective who must solve crimes while also grappling with personal and professional challenges. The series offers a unique, engaging perspective on the mystery genre and features rich, complex characters and relationships.
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