Tamar Myers' Pennsylvania Dutch series is a delightful and engaging cozy mystery series, set in a small town in Pennsylvania's Amish country. The series follows the adventures of Magdalena Yoder, an Amish widow who runs a bed-and-breakfast and finds herself investigating crimes and uncovering secrets in her community. With its charming setting, witty dialogue, and intriguing plots, the Pennsylvania Dutch series is a must-read for fans of cozy mysteries.
Kathleen Grissom
The Kitchen House
Set on a plantation in Virginia, this novel tells the story of two girls, one white and one black, who form a deep bond as they navigate the complexities of slavery and family. A powerful and moving read, it shares the Pennsylvania Dutch series' focus on community and the importance of personal relationships.
Learn MorePam Jenoff
The Orphan's Tale
A tale of love, friendship, and survival, this novel follows a young Jewish girl who joins a traveling circus to escape the Nazis. A gripping and emotional read, it shares the Pennsylvania Dutch series' themes of perseverance and the power of community.
Learn MoreSarah Addison Allen
The Sugar Queen
Set in a small Southern town, this novel tells the story of a young woman who discovers a world beyond her own as she befriends a magical drifter. A charming and enchanting read, it shares the Pennsylvania Dutch series' focus on the power of friendship and the importance of personal growth.
Learn MoreAlan Bradley
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
This cozy mystery follows a young girl with a passion for chemistry and a knack for solving crimes. A delightful and engaging read, it shares the Pennsylvania Dutch series' sense of humor and its focus on the importance of family and community.
Learn MoreJennifer Donnelly
The Tea Rose
Set in the late 1800s, this novel tells the story of a young woman who rises from poverty to become a successful businesswoman in the tea trade. A sweeping and epic read, it shares the Pennsylvania Dutch series' themes of perseverance and the power of community.
Learn MoreCarol Goodman
The Widow's House
This gothic novel tells the story of a young widow who moves into a mysterious house with a dark past. A haunting and atmospheric read, it shares the Pennsylvania Dutch series' sense of humor and its focus on the importance of personal relationships.
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