Rick Mofina's Tom Reed and Walt Sydowski series features a gripping collection of crime novels. The series follows the partnership of Vancouver detective Tom Reed and his colleague Walt Sydowski as they tackle complex cases and face personal challenges. Mofina's storytelling combines intricate plots, fast-paced action, and character development to create a compelling reading experience.
Chris Pavone
The Expats
For readers who enjoy the domestic and professional tensions in the Tom Reed and Walt Sydowski series, 'The Expats' by Chris Pavone is a great choice. The novel follows a seemingly ordinary American family living in Europe, until a series of shocking revelations threaten to upend their lives.
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The Silent Patient
If you're looking for a psychological thriller with a strong investigative thread, try 'The Silent Patient' by Alex Michaelides. The novel features a unique premise - a woman who refuses to speak after allegedly murdering her husband - and a twisting, turning plot that will keep you guessing until the very end.
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The Good Daughter
For readers who enjoy the domestic and professional tensions in the Tom Reed and Walt Sydowski series, 'The Good Daughter' by Karin Slaughter is a great choice. The novel follows a woman who returns to her hometown after a violent tragedy, only to become embroiled in a new mystery.
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