Discover books similar to "Wasteland" series

Wasteland series cover

Antony Johnston

"Wasteland" series


Wasteland is a post-apocalyptic series by Antony Johnston that explores the world after a global catastrophe. The series follows a group of survivors as they navigate the harsh and unforgiving landscape, fighting to stay alive and maintain their humanity. With complex characters and intricate plotlines, Wasteland is a must-read for fans of post-apocalyptic fiction.

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Wasteland" series:

The Road cover

Cormac McCarthy

The Road

A post-apocalyptic novel that follows a father and son's journey through a desolate landscape. The sparse, poetic prose and focus on the relationship between the two characters make it a great match for Wasteland fans.

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The Passage cover

Justin Cronin

The Passage

A post-apocalyptic series that blends elements of horror, science fiction, and westerns. The series' epic scope and focus on survival in a hostile world will appeal to Wasteland fans.

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The Windup Girl cover

Paolo Bacigalupi

The Windup Girl

A novel set in a future where fossil fuels have run out and bioengineered creatures dominate the landscape. The focus on the consequences of technology and the struggle for survival in a harsh world will appeal to Wasteland fans.

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The Dog Stars cover

Peter Heller

The Dog Stars

A post-apocalyptic novel that follows a man and his dog as they navigate a desolate landscape. The focus on the relationship between the man and his dog, as well as the sparse, poetic prose, make it a great match for Wasteland fans.

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The Water Will Come cover

Jeff Goodell

The Water Will Come

A non-fiction book that explores the consequences of sea level rise and climate change. The focus on survival in a changing world and the exploration of the consequences of technology make it a great match for Wasteland fans.

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The Stand cover

Stephen King

The Stand

A post-apocalyptic novel that follows a group of survivors as they try to rebuild society after a deadly virus wipes out most of the population. The epic scope and focus on survival in a hostile world will appeal to Wasteland fans.

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The Day of the Triffids cover

John Wyndham

The Day of the Triffids

A classic post-apocalyptic novel that follows a group of survivors as they try to rebuild society after a meteor shower leaves most of the population blind and a new species of mobile, carnivorous plants threatens their survival. The focus on survival in a hostile world and the exploration of the consequences of technology make it a great match for Wasteland fans.

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The Postman cover

David Brin

The Postman

A post-apocalyptic novel that follows a drifter who discovers the remnants of the US Postal Service and uses it to help rebuild society. The focus on survival in a hostile world, the rebuilding of society and the exploration of the consequences of technology make it a great match for Wasteland fans.

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