Join Sam the Cat on his thrilling adventures in the Sam the Cat Mystery series by Linda Stewart. This captivating series follows the exploits of a street-smart feline detective as he solves a series of baffling mysteries. Filled with intrigue, humor, and heart, this collection of novels is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Lilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who Talked Turkey
Qwilleran and Koko are back, this time investigating a murder at a Thanksgiving dinner party. Koko's unusual behavior and keen observations help uncover the truth in this captivating mystery.
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The Cat Who Could Read Backwards
Join the Siamese cat, Koko, and his owner, Jim Qwilleran, as they solve a series of murders in the small town of Pickax. Koko's unique ability to read backwards helps them crack each case in this cozy mystery.
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The Cat Who Played Post Office
When Qwilleran is asked to manage a post office in a small town, he and Koko can't resist investigating a series of mysterious events and murders. Koko's intelligence and intuition are on full display in this captivating mystery.
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The Cat Who Robbed a Bank
Qwilleran and Koko are back, this time investigating a bank robbery and a series of murders in Moose County. Koko's unusual behavior and keen observations once again prove invaluable in solving the case.
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The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal
Qwilleran and Koko are drawn into a mystery involving a rare bird, a missing scientist, and a series of murders. Koko's unusual behavior and heightened senses help uncover the truth in this captivating mystery.
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