The Oz Blackstone series is a crime fiction series written by Quintin Jardine. The series follows the adventures of Oz Blackstone, a former professional footballer turned private investigator, as he solves various crimes and mysteries in Scotland. The series is known for its witty dialogue, engaging characters, and intricate plotlines, making it a favorite among fans of the genre.
Quintin Jardine
Skinner's Rules
If you're a fan of the Oz Blackstone series, you'll enjoy Skinner's Rules, which features Jardine's other popular character, Bob Skinner. This police procedural is filled with political intrigue, making it a great choice for those who appreciate the complex power dynamics in the Oz Blackstone series.
Learn MoreMichael Connelly
The Lincoln Lawyer
This legal thriller by Michael Connelly features a criminal defense lawyer who operates out of the back of his Lincoln Town Car. With its intricate plot and well-drawn characters, this book is a great choice for those who enjoy the legal aspects and fast-paced action of the Oz Blackstone series.
Learn MoreJohn Grisham
The Broker
In this thrilling novel by John Grisham, a former congressman is released from prison and finds himself in the middle of a dangerous game of international espionage. With its political intrigue and fast-paced plot, this book is a great choice for those who appreciate the complex power dynamics in the Oz Blackstone series.
Learn MoreJohn Grisham
The Pelican Brief
This legal thriller by John Grisham tells the story of a young law student who becomes embroiled in a dangerous conspiracy involving the assassination of two Supreme Court justices. With its intricate plot and well-drawn characters, this book is a great choice for those who enjoy the legal aspects and fast-paced action of the Oz Blackstone series.
Learn MoreRobert Dugoni
The Jury Master
This legal thriller by Robert Dugoni tells the story of a young lawyer who becomes embroiled in a dangerous case involving a corrupt judge and a powerful criminal organization. With its courtroom drama and exploration of justice, this book is a great choice for those who enjoy the legal aspects of the Oz Blackstone series.
Learn MoreJohn Grisham
The King of Torts
In this thrilling novel by John Grisham, a young lawyer becomes embroiled in a dangerous case involving a powerful pharmaceutical company. With its political intrigue and fast-paced plot, this book is a great choice for those who appreciate the complex power dynamics in the Oz Blackstone series.
Learn MoreJohn Grisham
The Associate
This legal thriller by John Grisham tells the story of a young lawyer who is offered a job at a powerful law firm, but soon discovers that the firm is involved in a dangerous conspiracy. With its intricate plot and well-drawn characters, this book is a great choice for those who enjoy the legal aspects and fast-paced action of the Oz Blackstone series.
Learn MoreJohn Grisham
The Partner
In this thrilling novel by John Grisham, a disbarred lawyer goes into hiding after discovering a secret that could destroy a powerful law firm. With its political intrigue and fast-paced plot, this book is a great choice for those who appreciate the complex power dynamics in the Oz Blackstone series.
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