Sagamore is a historical fiction series by Kara Dalkey that explores the world of medieval Japan. The series centers around the character of Taira no Kiyomori, a powerful warlord who rises to become the dominant force in the country. Through Kiyomori's eyes, readers get a glimpse into the brutal world of feudal Japan, where honor, loyalty, and betrayal are all part of the game. With its richly detailed setting and complex characters, Sagamore is a fascinating look into a rarely explored period of history.
Madeleine L'Engle
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Readers who enjoyed the time-travel and mythology elements of Sagamore will appreciate this novel, which follows a young hero as he travels through time to prevent a nuclear war.
Learn MoreT.H. White
The Once and Future King
This classic retelling of the Arthurian legend is a must-read for fans of Sagamore. It offers a unique perspective on the familiar story, with a focus on the themes of love, loyalty, and leadership.
Learn MoreT.A. Barron
The Lost Years of Merlin
This series, which tells the story of Merlin's early years, is a great choice for readers who enjoyed the magical realism and coming-of-age themes in Sagamore.
Learn MoreMarion Zimmer Bradley
The Mists of Avalon
If you enjoyed the Arthurian legend retelling in Sagamore, you'll love The Mists of Avalon. This novel focuses on the women of Camelot, providing a unique perspective on the classic tale.
Learn MoreRobin McKinley
The Blue Sword
Fans of Sagamore's strong female protagonist will enjoy The Blue Sword. This book follows Harry Crewe, a young woman who becomes a hero in a foreign land.
Learn MoreJuliet Marillier
Daughter of the Forest
With its richly detailed world and focus on Celtic mythology, Daughter of the Forest is a great choice for readers who enjoyed the magical realism in Sagamore.
Learn MoreRobin McKinley
The Hero and the Crown
This book, like Sagamore, features a young hero who must navigate political intrigue and learn to wield magic. A great choice for fans of coming-of-age stories.
Learn MoreMark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
If you enjoyed the fish-out-of-water aspect of Sagamore, you'll get a kick out of Twain's classic time-travel tale, which follows a modern man as he tries to bring progress to Camelot.
Learn MoreMary Stewart
The Crystal Cave
This novel, the first in a series, tells the story of Merlin's early years. Fans of Sagamore's focus on magic and mythology will enjoy this retelling of Arthurian legend.
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