Discover books similar to "Storm Front"

Storm Front cover

Jim Butcher

Storm Front


Part of "The Dresden Files" series

"Storm Front" by Jim Butcher is a captivating and thrilling urban fantasy novel that introduces readers to the world of Harry Dresden, a professional wizard and private investigator. The story is set in a modern-day Chicago where magic and the supernatural exist hidden from the everyday world. In "Storm Front," Dresden is hired by the police to consult on a gruesome double murder that appears to be committed by black magic. At the same time, he is also hired by a mysterious woman to find her missing husband, who has ties to a dark and powerful sorcerer. As Dresden delves deeper into both cases, he finds himself caught in the middle of a dangerous power struggle between Chicago's darkest magical practitioners. Butcher's writing style is engaging and descriptive, bringing the city of Chicago and the supernatural world to life in vivid detail. The pacing of the story is fast and furious, with plenty of action, suspense, and intrigue to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Dresden is a complex and likable protagonist, with a dry wit and a strong moral compass that guides him through the darkest corners of the supernatural underworld. One of the strengths of "Storm Front" is the way it blends traditional detective fiction with urban fantasy elements. Dresden's investigative skills are just as important as his magical abilities, and the story features a number of clever twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end. Overall, "Storm Front" is an exciting and imaginative start to the Dresden Files series. It's a must-read for fans of urban fantasy, mystery, and thriller genres, and a great introduction to the world of Harry Dresden and his supernatural adventures...

List of books similar to "Storm Front":

Fool Moon cover

Jim Butcher

Fool Moon

If you enjoyed the fast-paced urban fantasy of 'Storm Front', you'll want to continue the Harry Dresden series with 'Fool Moon'. In this book, Harry must confront a series of mysterious and grisly murders involving Chicago's werewolf population.

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The Lies of Locke Lamora cover

Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora

Fans of 'Storm Front' who are looking for a different take on urban fantasy might enjoy 'The Lies of Locke Lamora'. This book follows the exploits of a group of con artists in a fantasy version of Venice, and features a similar blend of humor, action, and intrigue.

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American Gods cover

Neil Gaiman

American Gods

For readers who enjoyed the blend of mythology and modernity in 'Storm Front', 'American Gods' is a must-read. This book explores the lives of the ancient gods as they adjust to life in contemporary America.

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The Blade Itself cover

Joe Abercrombie

The Blade Itself

If you're looking for a darker, grittier take on urban fantasy, try 'The Blade Itself'. This book features a damaged protagonist, a complex plot, and a healthy dose of violence and gore.

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The Dresden Files: Storm Front cover

Jim Butcher

The Dresden Files: Storm Front

If you loved 'Storm Front' and want to experience the story in a different format, check out the graphic novel adaptation. It's a great way to revisit the story while also experiencing Jim Butcher's world in a new way.

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The First Law Trilogy cover

Joe Abercrombie

The First Law Trilogy

For fans of 'Storm Front' who are looking for a longer, more complex series, try 'The First Law Trilogy'. This series features a large cast of characters, a richly detailed world, and a dark, gritty tone.

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The Golem and the Jinni cover

Helene Wecker

The Golem and the Jinni

If you enjoyed the blend of magic and realism in 'Storm Front', you'll love 'The Golem and the Jinni'. This book follows the lives of a golem and a jinni as they try to make a life for themselves in early 20th century New York City.

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The Iron Druid Chronicles cover

Kevin Hearne

The Iron Druid Chronicles

If you're looking for a series with a similar blend of humor, action, and mythology as 'Storm Front', try 'The Iron Druid Chronicles'. This series follows the adventures of a 2,000-year-old druid and his wise-cracking Irish wolfhound as they travel through the modern world.

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The Name of the Wind cover

Patrick Rothfuss

The Name of the Wind

For readers who loved the rich world-building and intricate plotting of 'Storm Front', try 'The Name of the Wind'. This book is the first in a series that follows the life of a legendary musician, magician, and assassin as he tells his life story to a chronicler.

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The Night Circus cover

Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus

If you enjoyed the magical elements of 'Storm Front', you'll love 'The Night Circus'. This book follows the lives of two young magicians as they compete in a magical contest that takes place in a mysterious, magical circus.

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The Powder Mage Trilogy cover

Brian McClellan

The Powder Mage Trilogy

For readers who loved the action and adventure of 'Storm Front', try 'The Powder Mage Trilogy'. This series is set in a fantasy world where gunpowder has revolutionized warfare, and follows a group of soldiers and magicians as they fight for control of their world.

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The Sword-Edged Blonde cover

Alex Bledsoe

The Sword-Edged Blonde

For readers who loved the noir elements of 'Storm Front', try 'The Sword-Edged Blonde'. This book follows a hard-boiled detective as he investigates a series of murders in a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and mayhem.

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