Discover books similar to "The Book of Lost Things"

The Book of Lost Things cover

John Connolly

The Book of Lost Things


"The Book of Lost Things" by John Connolly is a mesmerizing and dark fairy tale that explores the power of storytelling and the pain of growing up. The novel follows the journey of twelve-year-old David, who loses his mother and becomes obsessed with the world of fairy tales as a way to cope with his grief. When David's father remarries, he is overwhelmed by jealousy and anger, which open a gateway to a dark and twisted land inspired by the classic fairy tales he has come to love. In this world, David encounters a host of sinister and grotesque characters, including a bloodthirsty Crooked Man, a child-eating witch, and a pack of murderous huntsmen. As David navigates this dangerous realm, he learns that the stories he has always known and loved are not always what they seem. Connolly masterfully weaves together familiar fairy tale motifs with his own unique vision, creating a world that is both terrifying and enchanting. At its core, "The Book of Lost Things" is a meditation on the power of stories to shape our understanding of the world and ourselves. Through David's journey, Connolly explores the ways in which stories can both comfort and deceive us, and the importance of learning to distinguish between the two. With its rich language, vivid imagery, and complex themes, "The Book of Lost Things" is a must-read for fans of dark fantasy and fairy tale reimaginings. It is a book that will transport you to another world, challenge your perceptions, and leave you thinking long after you have turned the final page...

List of books similar to "The Book of Lost Things":

The Shadow of the Wind cover

Carlos Ruiz Zafón

The Shadow of the Wind

If you enjoyed the magical realism and intricate storytelling of 'The Book of Lost Things', you'll love 'The Shadow of the Wind'. This novel follows a young boy named Daniel as he uncovers the secrets of a mysterious book and its author, all while exploring the labyrinthine streets of post-Civil War Barcelona.

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The Night Circus cover

Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus

Fans of 'The Book of Lost Things' will appreciate the enchanting, imaginative world of 'The Night Circus'. This book tells the story of two young magicians who are bound together in a magical competition, all set against the backdrop of a magical circus that appears without warning.

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Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell cover

Susanna Clarke

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

For readers who enjoyed the blend of history, fantasy, and literary style in 'The Book of Lost Things', 'Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell' is a must-read. This novel is set in early 19th-century England and follows the lives of two magicians as they attempt to bring magic back into the world.

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The Golem and the Jinni cover

Helene Wecker

The Golem and the Jinni

If you were drawn to the fairy tale elements of 'The Book of Lost Things', you'll enjoy 'The Golem and the Jinni'. This novel tells the story of a golem and a jinni who are both living in early 20th-century New York City, and their struggles to navigate a world that is both familiar and completely foreign to them.

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The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane cover

Katherine Howe

The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane

Fans of 'The Book of Lost Things' will appreciate the historical setting and supernatural elements of 'The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane'. This novel is set in Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trials, and follows a young woman named Connie as she uncovers her family's dark secrets and the truth about her ancestor, Deliverance Dane.

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The Secret History cover

Donna Tartt

The Secret History

If you enjoyed the dark, atmospheric tone of 'The Book of Lost Things', you'll love 'The Secret History'. This novel tells the story of a group of classics students at a small college in Vermont who become embroiled in a murder plot, and the consequences that follow.

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The Ocean at the End of the Lane cover

Neil Gaiman

The Ocean at the End of the Lane

For readers who appreciated the magical realism and coming-of-age themes in 'The Book of Lost Things', 'The Ocean at the End of the Lane' is a great choice. This novel tells the story of a man who returns to his childhood home and is forced to confront the memories of his past, including the magical events that shaped his life.

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The Crimson Petal and the White cover

Michel Faber

The Crimson Petal and the White

If you enjoyed the historical setting and complex characters of 'The Book of Lost Things', you'll appreciate 'The Crimson Petal and the White'. This novel is set in Victorian London and follows the lives of several characters, including a prostitute named Sugar and a wealthy businessman named William Rackham.

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The Blind Assassin cover

Margaret Atwood

The Blind Assassin

Fans of 'The Book of Lost Things' will enjoy the intricate storytelling and interweaving narratives of 'The Blind Assassin'. This novel tells the story of two sisters, Iris and Laura, and their lives in Canada during World War I, including Laura's mysterious death and the novel she was writing at the time.

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The Miniaturist cover

Jessie Burton

The Miniaturist

If you enjoyed the historical setting and supernatural elements of 'The Book of Lost Things', you'll appreciate 'The Miniaturist'. This novel is set in 17th-century Amsterdam and follows the story of a young bride named Nella as she uncovers the secrets of her new husband and his family, including a mysterious miniaturist who seems to know more than they should.

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The Essex Serpent cover

Sarah Perry

The Essex Serpent

For readers who enjoyed the blend of history, mystery, and supernatural elements in 'The Book of Lost Things', 'The Essex Serpent' is a great choice. This novel is set in Victorian England and follows the story of a young widow named Cora as she investigates the legend of a mythical serpent that is said to inhabit the Essex marshes.

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