Discover books similar to "Plainsong"

Plainsong cover

Kent Haruf



Part of "Plainsong" series

"Plainsong" by Kent Haruf is a profound and moving novel that explores the interconnected lives of several residents in the small town of Holt, Colorado. The story is set in the 1980s and follows the daily struggles and triumphs of its characters, including two elderly bachelor farmers, a young pregnant girl, and a high school teacher. The novel is a celebration of the human spirit and the power of community. Haruf's writing is spare and understated, yet deeply evocative, capturing the beauty and harshness of the High Plains landscape and the quiet dignity of its people. The characters are complex and fully realized, each grappling with their own personal demons and seeking connection and meaning in their lives. At its core, "Plainsong" is a novel about the importance of family, in all its forms. The two bachelor farmers, Harold and Raymond McPheron, take in the pregnant teenager, Victoria Roubideaux, when she has nowhere else to turn, and their unlikely family becomes a source of strength and support for all of them. Meanwhile, high school teacher Tom Guthrie is dealing with his own family crisis, as his wife becomes increasingly unstable and abusive. Haruf's portrayal of these characters and their struggles is both compassionate and unflinching. He doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of life, but he also shows the resilience and hope that can be found even in the most difficult circumstances. "Plainsong" is a novel that will stay with readers long after they have turned the last page. Its quiet power and emotional depth are a testament to Haruf's skill as a writer and his deep understanding of the human condition. This is a novel that deserves a wide audience and will be cherished by anyone who reads it...

List of books similar to "Plainsong":

Eventide cover

Kent Haruf


If you enjoyed the quiet, character-driven prose of 'Plainsong', you'll want to continue following the residents of Holt, Colorado in Haruf's subsequent novel, 'Eventide'. This book revisits many of the characters from 'Plainsong', weaving together their stories with the same gentle, understated style.

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The Age of Innocence cover

Edith Wharton

The Age of Innocence

Much like 'Plainsong', 'The Age of Innocence' is a profound exploration of the human condition, set against the backdrop of a small, close-knit community. Wharton's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel delves into the intricate social norms and expectations of 1870s New York high society.

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The Poisonwood Bible cover

Barbara Kingsolver

The Poisonwood Bible

For readers who appreciated the complex, interconnected narratives in 'Plainsong', 'The Poisonwood Bible' offers a similarly intricate web of perspectives. This novel follows the lives of a Baptist family from Georgia who move to the Belgian Congo in 1959, examining the cultural clashes and personal transformations that ensue.

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A Thousand Acres cover

Jane Smiley

A Thousand Acres

In 'A Thousand Acres', Smiley reimagines Shakespeare's 'King Lear' in the context of an Iowa farming family, exploring themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the weight of inheritance. This novel shares 'Plainsong''s focus on the interplay between family dynamics and the land.

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Independence Day cover

Richard Ford

Independence Day

The second book in Ford's Frank Bascombe trilogy, 'Independence Day' is a thoughtful, character-driven novel that, like 'Plainsong', delves into the complexities of everyday life. This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel follows Bascombe through a single day in July, offering a poignant exploration of memory, identity, and the American Dream.

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The Bean Trees cover

Barbara Kingsolver

The Bean Trees

In 'The Bean Trees', Kingsolver introduces us to Taylor Greer, a young woman who leaves her home in rural Kentucky and finds herself in Oklahoma, where she becomes the unlikely mother to a Native American toddler. This novel, like 'Plainsong', is a celebration of the human spirit and the power of community.

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The Great Gatsby cover

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

Though set in a different time and place, 'The Great Gatsby' shares 'Plainsong''s keen observation of the human condition and the societal pressures that shape us. This classic novel explores themes of wealth, love, and the American Dream through the eyes of narrator Nick Carraway.

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The House of Mirth cover

Edith Wharton

The House of Mirth

'The House of Mirth' is a powerful examination of the social and economic forces that dictate the lives of its characters, much like 'Plainsong'. Wharton's novel follows Lily Bart, a well-born but impoverished woman, as she navigates the treacherous waters of New York high society in search of financial security and love.

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The Stories of John Cheever cover

John Cheever

The Stories of John Cheever

For those who appreciated the quiet, introspective nature of 'Plainsong', the short stories of John Cheever offer a similarly insightful look into the human experience. These stories, set primarily in the suburbs of New York, explore themes of family, identity, and the search for meaning.

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The Stone Diaries cover

Carol Shields

The Stone Diaries

In 'The Stone Diaries', Shields offers a rich, multilayered exploration of a woman's life, much like the interconnected stories in 'Plainsong'. This novel, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, follows the life of Daisy Stone Goodwill from her birth in 1905 to her death in the 1990s, examining the people and events that shape her.

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