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Possession cover

A.S. Byatt



"Possession: A Romance" by A.S. Byatt is a rich and intricate novel that weaves together the stories of two pairs of lovers, one set in the present day and one in the Victorian era. At its core, the novel is a literary detective story, as the modern-day characters, Roland Mitchell and Maud Bailey, uncover a hidden love affair between two Victorian poets, Randolph Henry Ash and Christabel LaMotte. The novel is a feast for literature lovers, as it is filled with poems, letters, and scholarly articles that bring the characters and their worlds to life. Byatt's writing is lush and descriptive, and she has a deep understanding of the power of language and the way it can be used to convey emotion and meaning. One of the most striking aspects of "Possession" is the way Byatt plays with the idea of possession in its many forms. The characters are all possessed by their own desires and ambitions, as well as by the objects and ideas they study. The Victorian poets are possessed by their love for each other, and the modern-day characters are possessed by their quest to uncover the truth about their lives. The novel also explores the theme of gender, as Maud Bailey struggles to assert herself in a male-dominated academic world. Byatt shows how women have been silenced and marginalized throughout history, and how their voices and experiences have often been overlooked or dismissed. "Possession" is a complex and thought-provoking novel that will appeal to readers who enjoy literary fiction, historical fiction, and romance. It is a book that richly rewards repeated readings, as there are always new layers to discover and explore. Byatt's masterful use of language and her deep understanding of human nature make "Possession" a truly exceptional work of fiction.

List of books similar to "Possession":

The French Lieutenant's Woman cover

John Fowles

The French Lieutenant's Woman

Like 'Possession', this book explores the theme of Victorian-era romance and the secrets that lie beneath. The novel also features a narrative that switches between the past and present, allowing for a unique exploration of history and its impact on the present.

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Jane Eyre cover

Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre

A classic novel that, like 'Possession', delves into the complexities of love and relationships. The novel's protagonist, Jane Eyre, shares a similar strength and independence with 'Possession''s Roland Mitchell and Maud Bailey.

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The Secret History cover

Donna Tartt

The Secret History

This novel, like 'Possession', features a group of academics who become consumed by their studies and the secrets they uncover. The novel's focus on the darker side of academia and the consequences of obsession will appeal to fans of 'Possession'.

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Fingersmith cover

Sarah Waters


A novel of deception and secrets, much like 'Possession'. The novel's focus on the lives of women in Victorian England and the ways in which they navigate and subvert societal expectations will appeal to fans of 'Possession'.

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The Paying Guests cover

Sarah Waters

The Paying Guests

This novel, like 'Possession', explores the theme of forbidden love and the secrets that are kept to protect it. The novel's focus on the lives of women and the societal expectations they face will appeal to fans of 'Possession'.

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The Blind Assassin cover

Margaret Atwood

The Blind Assassin

A novel that, like 'Possession', features a narrative that switches between the past and present, revealing secrets and hidden truths. The novel's focus on the lives of women and the power of storytelling will appeal to fans of 'Possession'.

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Alias Grace cover

Margaret Atwood

Alias Grace

This novel, like 'Possession', delves into the complexities of love and relationships, while also exploring the theme of identity and the secrets that are kept to protect it. The novel's focus on the lives of women in Victorian England will appeal to fans of 'Possession'.

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The Essex Serpent cover

Sarah Perry

The Essex Serpent

A novel that, like 'Possession', explores the theme of Victorian-era romance and the secrets that lie beneath. The novel's focus on the lives of women and the societal expectations they face will appeal to fans of 'Possession'.

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The Crimson Petal and the White cover

Michel Faber

The Crimson Petal and the White

A novel that, like 'Possession', delves into the complexities of love and relationships, while also exploring the theme of identity and the secrets that are kept to protect it. The novel's focus on the lives of women in Victorian England will appeal to fans of 'Possession'.

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The Meaning of Night cover

Michael Cox

The Meaning of Night

A novel that, like 'Possession', features a narrative that switches between the past and present, revealing secrets and hidden truths. The novel's focus on the darker side of Victorian England and the consequences of obsession will appeal to fans of 'Possession'.

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