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Relic cover

Douglas Preston



Part of "Pendergast" series

'Relic' by Douglas Preston is a thrilling and suspenseful novel that combines elements of mystery, horror, and science fiction. The story takes place in the Museum of Natural History in New York City, where a series of grisly murders have occurred. The victims are found mutilated, with strange markings on their bodies, and it seems as though some sort of ancient creature is responsible. The protagonist of the novel is Dr. Margo Green, a young and ambitious paleontologist who becomes embroiled in the investigation. Along with a ragtag team of scientists, security personnel, and detectives, Margo must unravel the mystery behind the murders before the creature strikes again. One of the strengths of 'Relic' is its richly detailed and atmospheric setting. Preston does an excellent job of bringing the Museum of Natural History to life, creating a sense of wonder and danger that permeates every page. The museum's labyrinthine halls and dark corners become a character in and of themselves, adding to the sense of unease and tension. Another standout aspect of the novel is its exploration of the intersection between science and the supernatural. Preston skillfully blends scientific theories and investigative techniques with elements of myth and legend, creating a story that is both grounded in reality and delightfully fantastical. Overall, 'Relic' is a gripping and entertaining read that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. Its intricate plot, well-drawn characters, and atmospheric setting make it a standout addition to the thriller genre, and a must-read for fans of suspense and horror...

List of books similar to "Relic":

The Hot Zone cover

Richard Preston

The Hot Zone

If you enjoyed Relic's thrilling mix of science and horror, you'll love The Hot Zone. This gripping true story by Douglas Preston's brother, Richard Preston, delves into the world of viral hemorrhagic fevers and the real-life Ebola virus outbreaks. The narrative is as suspenseful and terrifying as Relic, but with the added punch of being non-fiction.

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Jurassic Park cover

Michael Crichton

Jurassic Park

For fans of Relic's fast-paced thrills and scientific speculations, Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton is a must-read. This classic novel combines cutting-edge genetic engineering with a thrilling adventure, as a group of scientists struggle to survive when a theme park full of cloned dinosaurs goes awry.

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The Andromeda Strain cover

Michael Crichton

The Andromeda Strain

If you're intrigued by the scientific elements in Relic, check out The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton. This early work by the author of Jurassic Park explores the topic of extraterrestrial microorganisms and their potential impact on humanity, with a tightly-wound, suspenseful plot.

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Cold Fire cover

Dean Koontz

Cold Fire

If you're drawn to Relic's atmospheric settings and supernatural horror, Cold Fire by Dean Koontz is an excellent choice. This gripping novel follows a small-town reporter investigating a series of mysterious fires and the eerie, powerful force behind them.

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The Cabinet of Curiosities cover

Douglas Preston

The Cabinet of Curiosities

Fans of Relic's unique blend of suspense, history, and the supernatural will enjoy The Cabinet of Curiosities, a collaborative effort by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. This novel introduces Special Agent Pendergast, who investigates a series of murders tied to a mysterious, ancient collection of artifacts.

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The Da Vinci Code cover

Dan Brown

The Da Vinci Code

If you're fascinated by the historical and art-related aspects of Relic, you'll likely enjoy The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. This bestseller combines symbology, art history, and a thrilling chase across Europe as the protagonist uncovers a centuries-old conspiracy.

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The Historian cover

Elizabeth Kostova

The Historian

For readers who appreciated the historical depth of Relic, The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova is a captivating choice. This literary thriller follows a young woman's search for her father and the truth about Vlad the Impaler, weaving together a rich tapestry of history, mystery, and suspense.

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The Lost World cover

Michael Crichton

The Lost World

If you're looking for more adventure and scientific speculation after Relic, The Lost World by Michael Crichton is a great pick. This sequel to Jurassic Park brings back the thrilling premise of dinosaurs living among us, with a new cast of characters and a fresh set of challenges.

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The City & the City cover

China Miéville

The City & the City

If you're drawn to the idea of parallel worlds coexisting in Relic, The City & The City by China Miéville is a must-read. This unique, genre-blending novel explores the concept of two cities occupying the same physical space but existing in separate realities, with a gripping noir-inspired plot.

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