Discover books similar to "The Painted Veil"

The Painted Veil cover

W. Somerset Maugham

The Painted Veil


"The Painted Veil" by W. Somerset Maugham is a classic novel that explores themes of love, morality, and colonialism in early 20th century China. The story follows Kitty Garstin, a young and shallow socialite who marries Walter Fane, a bacteriologist, to escape an unwanted marriage proposal. The couple moves to Shanghai, where Kitty begins an affair with a charming British diplomat. When Walter discovers Kitty's infidelity, he demands that she accompany him to a remote village in rural China, where he is working to combat a cholera outbreak. The couple's journey to the village serves as a catalyst for Kitty's personal growth and transformation, as she is confronted with the harsh realities of poverty, disease, and death. Maugham's vivid descriptions of China and its people provide a rich backdrop for the story, offering a nuanced portrayal of colonialism and its impact on both the colonizers and the colonized. The novel also delves into the complexities of human relationships, examining the motivations and desires that drive people to act in certain ways. At its core, "The Painted Veil" is a poignant exploration of the human condition, revealing the fragility and strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Kitty's journey from a shallow and self-centered socialite to a compassionate and selfless individual is both heart-wrenching and inspiring, leaving a lasting impression on the reader long after the final page has been turned. Overall, "The Painted Veil" is a beautifully written and thought-provoking novel that offers a unique perspective on love, morality, and the human experience. It is a must-read for anyone interested in classic literature and the complexities of human relationships...

List of books similar to "The Painted Veil":

Of Human Bondage cover

W. Somerset Maugham

Of Human Bondage

If you enjoyed the deep character explorations in 'The Painted Veil', you may like 'Of Human Bondage' which also delves into the complexities of human emotions and relationships. The protagonist, Philip Carey, struggles with love, philosophy and his own physical disability.

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The Razor's Edge cover

W. Somerset Maugham

The Razor's Edge

Another Maugham masterpiece, 'The Razor's Edge' is a story of a World War I veteran's search for the meaning of life, much like Kitty and Walter's journey in 'The Painted Veil'. It offers a rich tapestry of exotic locations, profound philosophies and compelling characters.

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The Age of Innocence cover

Edith Wharton

The Age of Innocence

Like 'The Painted Veil', 'The Age of Innocence' is a novel of forbidden love and societal expectations set in a particular historical context. The novel explores the themes of marriage, tradition and personal freedom in the high society of New York in the late 19th century.

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Madame Bovary cover

Gustave Flaubert

Madame Bovary

If you were intrigued by Kitty's disillusionment and search for personal fulfillment in 'The Painted Veil', you may find 'Madame Bovary' equally compelling. Emma Bovary's quest for passion and excitement in her provincial life leads to disastrous consequences.

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A Passage to India cover

E.M. Forster

A Passage to India

Set in colonial India like 'The Painted Veil', 'A Passage to India' explores the cultural clashes, misunderstandings and prejudices between the British and the Indians. The novel offers a profound exploration of identity, belonging and human connection.

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The Portrait of a Lady cover

Henry James

The Portrait of a Lady

If you appreciated the exploration of personal freedom and societal expectations in 'The Painted Veil', you may enjoy 'The Portrait of a Lady'. The novel follows the story of Isabel Archer, an American heiress who seeks independence and personal growth in Europe.

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Anna Karenina cover

Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina

Like 'The Painted Veil', 'Anna Karenina' is a novel of love, adultery and societal judgment. The novel explores the themes of family, morality, self-discovery and personal sacrifice through the lives of its complex and compelling characters.

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The Good Soldier cover

Ford Madox Ford

The Good Soldier

If you were intrigued by the themes of love, betrayal and deception in 'The Painted Veil', you may find 'The Good Soldier' equally captivating. The novel is a masterful exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the fragility of human perception.

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The House of Mirth cover

Edith Wharton

The House of Mirth

If you enjoyed the exploration of societal expectations and personal freedom in 'The Painted Veil', you may find 'The House of Mirth' equally compelling. The novel follows the story of Lily Bart, a beautiful and intelligent woman who struggles to maintain her social position in New York high society.

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Death Comes for the Archbishop cover

Willa Cather

Death Comes for the Archbishop

If you were captivated by the exotic and atmospheric setting of 'The Painted Veil', you may enjoy 'Death Comes for the Archbishop'. The novel is set in the American Southwest in the mid-19th century and explores the themes of faith, culture and identity.

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The Moon And Sixpence cover

W. Somerset Maugham

The Moon And Sixpence

If you enjoyed the exploration of personal transformation and artistic expression in 'The Painted Veil', you may find 'The Moon and Sixpence' equally compelling. The novel is a fictionalized account of the life of the post-impressionist painter Paul Gauguin.

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