Discover books similar to "Howards End"

Howards End cover

E.M. Forster

Howards End


"Howards End" by E.M. Forster is a classic novel that explores themes of social class, morality, and the clash of traditional and modern values in early 20th century England. The story revolves around the Schlegel sisters, Margaret and Helen, who are part of the intellectual and artistic elite of London society, and their interactions with the Wilcoxes, a wealthy and conventional family, and the Basts, a lower-class couple struggling to make their way in the world. The novel is renowned for its complex characters, intricate plot, and thought-provoking themes. Forster's vivid and evocative writing style brings the world of early 20th century England to life, and his nuanced portrayal of the characters' inner lives and motivations makes for a deeply engaging and immersive reading experience. At its core, "Howards End" is a novel about the importance of empathy, understanding, and human connection in a rapidly changing world. Through the characters' struggles to navigate the complexities of social class and cultural difference, Forster raises important questions about the nature of morality, the role of art and culture in society, and the meaning of home and belonging. Whether you're a fan of classic literature, a student of English literature, or simply looking for a thought-provoking and engaging read, "Howards End" is a novel that is sure to delight and inspire. With its timeless themes, richly drawn characters, and beautiful writing, this is a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the final page...

List of books similar to "Howards End":

Washington Square cover

Henry James

Washington Square

Like 'Howards End', 'Washington Square' explores the themes of social class and the limitations placed on individuals by society. This novel tells the story of Catherine Sloper, a young woman who must navigate the expectations and pressures placed on her by her family and society.

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A Room with a View cover

E.M. Forster

A Room with a View

If you enjoyed the thoughtful and insightful social commentary in 'Howards End', you'll love 'A Room with a View'. This novel also explores the clash between different social classes and the restrictions placed on individuals by society, all while telling a compelling and engaging story.

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Maurice cover

E.M. Forster


Like 'Howards End', 'Maurice' delves into the themes of societal expectations and the constraints they place on individuals. This novel, however, focuses on the topic of homosexuality, and the challenges and prejudices faced by gay men in early 20th century England.

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The Age of Innocence cover

Edith Wharton

The Age of Innocence

Fans of 'Howards End' will appreciate the sharp social commentary and elegant prose of 'The Age of Innocence'. This novel, like Forster's, explores the constraints placed on individuals by society, and the sacrifices that must be made in order to fit in.

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House of Mirth cover

Edith Wharton

House of Mirth

If you enjoyed the exploration of social class and the limitations placed on women in 'Howards End', you'll love 'House of Mirth'. This novel tells the story of Lily Bart, a woman who struggles to maintain her place in New York high society, and the sacrifices she must make in order to do so.

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Jude the Obscure cover

Thomas Hardy

Jude the Obscure

Like 'Howards End', 'Jude the Obscure' explores the themes of social class and the barriers that prevent individuals from achieving their goals. This novel tells the story of Jude Fawley, a working-class man who dreams of becoming a scholar, and the obstacles he faces in pursuit of his dreams.

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The Mayor of Casterbridge cover

Thomas Hardy

The Mayor of Casterbridge

Fans of 'Howards End' will appreciate the complex characters and exploration of social class in 'The Mayor of Casterbridge'. This novel tells the story of Michael Henchard, a man who rises to power in a small town, and the consequences of his past actions.

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Middlemarch cover

George Eliot


If you enjoyed the richly detailed portrait of English society in 'Howards End', you'll love 'Middlemarch'. This novel explores the lives of several different characters in a small town, and the ways in which their individual stories intersect and influence one another.

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Daniel Deronda cover

George Eliot

Daniel Deronda

Like 'Howards End', 'Daniel Deronda' explores the themes of identity and the role of inheritance in shaping an individual's life. This novel tells the story of Daniel Deronda, a man who discovers his Jewish heritage and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

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The Portrait of a Lady cover

Henry James

The Portrait of a Lady

Fans of 'Howards End' will appreciate the sharp social commentary and exploration of women's roles in society in 'The Portrait of a Lady'. This novel tells the story of Isabel Archer, a young American woman who inherits a fortune and must navigate the complexities of European high society.

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The Custom of the Country cover

Edith Wharton

The Custom of the Country

If you enjoyed the exploration of social class and the challenges faced by women in 'Howards End', you'll love 'The Custom of the Country'. This novel tells the story of Undine Spragg, a woman who marries into high society and the lengths she will go to maintain her position.

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