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Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea cover

Guy Delisle

Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea


"Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea" by Guy Delisle is a unique and compelling graphic novel that offers a rare glimpse into the isolated and enigmatic nation of North Korea. Delisle, a Canadian cartoonist and animator, recounts his experiences traveling to Pyongyang for a three-month stint working for a French animation company. Through his detailed illustrations and conversational prose, Delisle provides a firsthand account of the daily life and culture of North Korea, from the oppressive political regime to the mundane activities of its citizens. The book is both informative and entertaining, offering a nuanced portrayal of a country that is often reduced to caricature in the Western media. Delisle's observations are astute and insightful, highlighting the absurdities and contradictions of life in North Korea. He describes the omnipresent propaganda, the bizarre tours of empty model cities, and the constant surveillance of foreign visitors. At the same time, he captures the humanity of the North Korean people, showing their warmth, humor, and resilience in the face of adversity. One of the strengths of "Pyongyang" is its visual style, which combines simple yet expressive drawings with muted colors to create a sense of atmosphere and mood. Delisle's use of humor and irony adds depth and complexity to the narrative, making it accessible and engaging for a wide range of readers. Overall, "Pyongyang" is a valuable contribution to the literature on North Korea, offering a fresh and compelling perspective on a country that remains shrouded in mystery and misconception. It is a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary politics, culture, and travel...