Discover books similar to "Thud!"

Thud! cover

Terry Pratchett



Part of "Discworld" series

In 'Thud!' by Terry Pratchett, the 34th book in the Discworld series, the city of Ankh-Morpork is once again the setting for a delightful blend of humor, mystery, and social commentary. This time, the focus is on the city's dwarfs, who are preparing to celebrate a religious holiday that commemorates a long-ago battle. The story begins when Sam Vimes, commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, is called to the site of a murder. The victim is a dwarf, and the only clue is a single word: "Dibbler." This sends Vimes on a quest to uncover the truth, leading him to delve into the city's seedy underbelly and confront the deep-seated prejudices that exist between dwarfs and trolls. Pratchett uses the murder mystery as a vehicle to explore themes of tolerance, acceptance, and the power of tradition. The dwarfs' holiday, Hogswatch, is a time of both celebration and tension, as the city's dwarfs and trolls come together to honor their shared history while also grappling with their differences. At the heart of the story is Vimes, who must navigate the complexities of dwarf and troll culture while also dealing with his own personal demons. As he investigates the murder, Vimes is forced to confront his own biases and come to terms with the fact that the city he loves is changing, whether he likes it or not. Pratchett's signature wit and humor are on full display in 'Thud!', making for a fast-paced and entertaining read. But beneath the laughter, there is a thought-provoking exploration of what it means to be part of a community, and the importance of understanding and accepting those who are different from us. Overall, 'Thud!' is a standout addition to the Discworld series, and a must-read for fans of Pratchett's unique blend of humor, fantasy, and social commentary...

List of books similar to "Thud!":

Guards! Guards! cover

Terry Pratchett

Guards! Guards!

If you enjoyed the witty humor and the unique cast of characters in 'Thud!', you'll love 'Guards! Guards!', the first book in the City Watch sub-series of the Discworld. This novel introduces the character of Sam Vimes, who becomes the focus of the sub-series, and his band of misfit guards as they try to save Ankh-Morpork from a dragon.

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Men at Arms cover

Terry Pratchett

Men at Arms

The sequel to 'Guards! Guards!', 'Men at Arms' continues the story of the City Watch as they try to solve a series of murders and prevent a coup. With its clever humor and engaging characters, this book is a must-read for fans of 'Thud!'.

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Feet of Clay cover

Terry Pratchett

Feet of Clay

In 'Feet of Clay', the City Watch must solve a murder and deal with a golem uprising. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Thud!' who want to see more of the characters and world they've come to love.

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Jingo cover

Terry Pratchett


In 'Jingo', Ankh-Morpork goes to war with a neighboring country, and the City Watch must try to keep the peace. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Thud!' who want to see more of the political intrigue and humor that the series is known for.

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The Fifth Elephant cover

Terry Pratchett

The Fifth Elephant

In 'The Fifth Elephant', Sam Vimes travels to the distant land of Uberwald to represent Ankh-Morpork at a royal wedding. But when a valuable artifact is stolen, Vimes and the City Watch must solve the case before war breaks out. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Thud!' who want to see more of Vimes and the Watch.

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Night Watch cover

Terry Pratchett

Night Watch

In 'Night Watch', Vimes is sent back in time to his days as a young guard and must prevent a rebellion from taking place. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Thud!' who want to see more of Vimes' backstory and the early days of the City Watch.

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Monstrous Regiment cover

Terry Pratchett

Monstrous Regiment

In 'Monstrous Regiment', a young woman disguises herself as a man to join the army and search for her missing brother. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Thud!' who want to see more of Pratchett's clever humor and commentary on society.

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Going Postal cover

Terry Pratchett

Going Postal

In 'Going Postal', a con man is given the chance to redeem himself by taking over the failing post office. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Thud!' who want to see more of Pratchett's satire and commentary on bureaucracy and society.

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Making Money cover

Terry Pratchett

Making Money

In 'Making Money', a crooked banker is hired to reform the Royal Mint. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Thud!' who want to see more of Pratchett's humor and commentary on finance and economics.

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