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Pastoralia cover

George Saunders



"Pastoralia" by George Saunders is a collection of short stories that explores the absurdity and tragedy of modern life. The characters in these stories are often ordinary people trying to make ends meet in a world that seems to be constantly shifting and changing around them. The title story, "Pastoralia," follows the life of a man who works in a theme park, playing the role of a caveman in a replica cave. The story explores the dehumanizing effects of low-wage work and the ways in which people will compromise their values in order to keep their jobs. Another standout story is "Sea Oak," which tells the tale of a group of cousins who try to turn their aunt's apartment into a brothel after she dies in a suspicious accident. The story is both hilarious and heartbreaking, as the cousins struggle to navigate their new lives of crime while also grappling with their grief. Saunders' writing is characterized by his use of dark humor and his ability to find humanity in even the most unlikely of characters. His stories are often surreal and fantastical, but they always feel grounded in reality. Overall, "Pastoralia" is a powerful and thought-provoking collection of stories that will leave readers questioning the world around them. Saunders' unique voice and perspective make this book a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary literature. If you're looking for a book that will make you laugh, cry, and think all at the same time, "Pastoralia" is the perfect choice. George Saunders is a master of the short story form, and this collection showcases his talents in full force. So sit back, relax, and let Saunders transport you to a world that is both familiar and utterly strange...