Discover books similar to "An Ideal Husband"

An Ideal Husband cover

Oscar Wilde

An Ideal Husband


"An Ideal Husband" by Oscar Wilde is a witty and sophisticated play that explores themes of morality, hypocrisy, and the pursuit of perfection in Victorian society. The story revolves around Sir Robert Chiltern, a respected politician with a secret past, and his wife Lady Chiltern, who idolizes her husband and believes him to be beyond reproach. The plot thickens when Mrs. Cheveley, an old acquaintance of Sir Robert's, threatens to expose his past indiscretions unless he supports a fraudulent scheme she is promoting. Sir Robert is faced with a moral dilemma, and the play becomes a study of the choices people make when their reputation and integrity are at stake. Wilde's signature wit and humor are on full display in "An Ideal Husband," as he satirizes the hypocrisy and shallow values of Victorian society. The play is also a nuanced exploration of the complexities of human nature, as the characters grapple with their own flaws and weaknesses. At its core, "An Ideal Husband" is a timeless examination of the human condition, asking questions about what it means to be good, true, and honorable. It is a thought-provoking and entertaining play that continues to resonate with audiences today. Readers who enjoy sharp social commentary, biting wit, and complex characters will find much to appreciate in "An Ideal Husband." The play is a classic example of Wilde's literary genius and a must-read for anyone interested in the history of theater or the works of this celebrated author...

List of books similar to "An Ideal Husband":

The Picture of Dorian Gray cover

Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray

If you enjoyed the wit and social commentary in 'An Ideal Husband', you'll love 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'. This novel explores the aesthetic movement and the philosophy of art, while also delving into themes of morality and the true cost of beauty.

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A Woman of No Importance cover

Oscar Wilde

A Woman of No Importance

Another brilliant play by Wilde, 'A Woman of No Importance' deals with similar themes of societal expectations and the hypocrisy of the upper class. The sharp dialogue and biting satire will be familiar to fans of 'An Ideal Husband'.

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The Importance of Being Earnest cover

Oscar Wilde

The Importance of Being Earnest

This play is a classic example of Wilde's signature wit and humor. The story of two bachelors and their attempts to win the hearts of their beloveds is a delightful romp that will appeal to fans of 'An Ideal Husband'.

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The Age of Innocence cover

Edith Wharton

The Age of Innocence

If you enjoyed the exploration of societal norms and expectations in 'An Ideal Husband', you'll find much to love in 'The Age of Innocence'. This novel examines the strict codes of conduct in 1870s New York society, and the consequences of breaking those rules.

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The Great Gatsby cover

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

Much like 'An Ideal Husband', 'The Great Gatsby' is a critique of the upper class and their values. The novel explores the dark side of the American Dream, and the consequences of unchecked materialism and ambition.

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Tess of the D'Urbervilles cover

Thomas Hardy

Tess of the D'Urbervilles

This novel, like 'An Ideal Husband', deals with the theme of societal expectations and the consequences of not meeting those expectations. Tess is a young woman who is judged and punished for her past, despite her best efforts to move on and make a better life for herself.

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Washington Square cover

Henry James

Washington Square

This novel explores the theme of societal expectations and the role of women in 19th century America, much like 'An Ideal Husband'. The story of a young woman and her controlling father will resonate with fans of Wilde's play.

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Much Ado About Nothing cover

William Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing

If you enjoyed the witty banter and romantic entanglements in 'An Ideal Husband', you'll love this classic comedy by Shakespeare. The story of Beatrice and Benedick's courtship is a delightful exploration of love, deception, and the power of words.

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The School for Scandal cover

Richard Brinsley Sheridan

The School for Scandal

This play, like 'An Ideal Husband', is a witty and satirical exploration of societal expectations and the role of women. The story of a group of scandalmongers and their attempts to ruin each other's reputations is a delightful romp that will appeal to fans of Wilde's play.

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The Libertine cover

Stephen Jeffreys

The Libertine

If you enjoyed the exploration of morality and the consequences of hedonism in 'An Ideal Husband', you'll find much to love in 'The Libertine'. This play tells the story of the Earl of Rochester, a notorious rake and libertine, and his descent into debauchery and self-destruction.

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