Discover books similar to "A Sport and a Pastime"

A Sport and a Pastime cover

James Salter

A Sport and a Pastime


"A Sport and a Pastime" by James Salter is a novel that explores the intense and passionate relationship between Philip Dean, a wealthy Yale graduate, and Anne-Marie, a young French woman, in 1960s France. The novel is narrated by an unnamed American observer, who imagines and reconstructs the details of the couple's relationship based on fragments of information and his own desires. Salter's prose is known for its sensual and evocative descriptions, and "A Sport and a Pastime" is no exception. The novel is a feast for the senses, as Salter masterfully captures the sights, sounds, and smells of France, as well as the physical and emotional intimacy between Philip and Anne-Marie. At its core, "A Sport and a Pastime" is a meditation on the nature of desire, obsession, and the human experience. The novel raises questions about the reliability of memory and the power of imagination, as the narrator's version of events may or may not be accurate. Salter's writing style is unique and distinctive, and "A Sport and a Pastime" is a prime example of his literary talent. The novel is not a traditional love story, but rather a complex and nuanced exploration of the human condition. It is a book that will linger in the minds of readers long after they have turned the final page. Overall, "A Sport and a Pastime" is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that is not to be missed. It is a book that will appeal to fans of literary fiction, as well as those who enjoy character-driven narratives and evocative prose. Whether you are a seasoned reader or new to Salter's work, "A Sport and a Pastime" is a novel that is sure to leave a lasting impression...

List of books similar to "A Sport and a Pastime":

Appointment in Samarra cover

John O'Hara

Appointment in Samarra

Like 'A Sport and a Pastime', 'Appointment in Samarra' is a novel that delves into the hidden desires and motivations of its characters. Set in the 1930s, it tells the story of a wealthy young man's self-destructive spiral, and, like Salter's novel, it explores themes of sexuality, class, and disillusionment.

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The End of the Affair cover

Graham Greene

The End of the Affair

Greene's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a deeply introspective and sensual work that explores the complexities of love and desire. The story of a love affair that ends tragically, it shares Salter's interest in the hidden aspects of human relationships and the power of memory.

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Light in August cover

William Faulkner

Light in August

Faulkner's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a lyrical and evocative work that explores the darker aspects of human nature. Set in the American South, it tells the story of a man on the run from his past, and, like Salter's novel, it delves into themes of identity, sexuality, and the search for meaning.

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The Stranger cover

Albert Camus

The Stranger

Camus's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a philosophical and existential work that explores the human condition. The story of a man who commits a senseless murder, it shares Salter's interest in the themes of alienation, disconnection, and the search for meaning.

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The Sun Also Rises cover

Ernest Hemingway

The Sun Also Rises

Hemingway's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a classic work of American literature that explores the themes of love, loss, and disillusionment. Set in Spain, it tells the story of a group of expatriates who are searching for meaning in their lives, and, like Salter's novel, it delves into the complexities of human relationships.

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Tropic of Cancer cover

Henry Miller

Tropic of Cancer

Miller's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a bold and unapologetic work of literature that explores the themes of sexuality and desire. Set in Paris, it tells the story of a struggling writer who is searching for meaning in his life, and, like Salter's novel, it delves into the hidden aspects of human relationships.

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Wide Sargasso Sea cover

Jean Rhys

Wide Sargasso Sea

Rhys's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a work of literature that explores the themes of sexuality, identity, and disconnection. A prequel to 'Jane Eyre', it tells the story of Bertha Mason, the madwoman in the attic, and, like Salter's novel, it delves into the complexities of human relationships and the power of memory.

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Women in Love cover

D.H. Lawrence

Women in Love

Lawrence's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a work of literature that explores the themes of sexuality, desire, and identity. Set in England, it tells the story of two sisters and their relationships with two men, and, like Salter's novel, it delves into the complexities of human relationships and the power of desire.

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The Age of Innocence cover

Edith Wharton

The Age of Innocence

Wharton's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a work of literature that explores the themes of love, desire, and social class. Set in New York City, it tells the story of a man who is engaged to be married but falls in love with another woman, and, like Salter's novel, it delves into the complexities of human relationships and the power of desire.

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The Great Gatsby cover

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald's novel, like 'A Sport and a Pastime', is a work of literature that explores the themes of love, desire, and the American Dream. Set in the 1920s, it tells the story of a man who becomes obsessed with a woman he cannot have, and, like Salter's novel, it delves into the complexities of human relationships and the power of desire.

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