Discover books similar to "Logan's Run"

Logan's Run cover

William F. Nolan

Logan's Run


"Logan's Run" by William F. Nolan is a dystopian science fiction novel that takes readers into a future society where age is a death sentence. In this world, people are executed when they reach the age of 21 in a brutal ritual known as "Lastday." The novel follows the story of Logan, a Sandman, who is responsible for enforcing the rules of this society and hunting down those who try to escape their fate. However, when Logan's own Lastday approaches, he begins to question the morality of his actions and the society he serves. The novel explores themes of mortality, individuality, and the value of life. It is a thought-provoking and often chilling look at a future where the natural course of life has been replaced by a sterile and oppressive system. Nolan's writing is sharp and vivid, bringing the world of "Logan's Run" to life in vivid detail. First published in 1967, "Logan's Run" has become a classic of the science fiction genre, inspiring a major motion picture and a television series. Its themes and ideas continue to resonate with readers today, making it a must-read for fans of dystopian fiction and thought-provoking science fiction. Overall, "Logan's Run" is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that will leave readers questioning the world around them. Its timeless themes and vivid world-building make it a standout addition to any science fiction collection...

List of books similar to "Logan's Run":

Brave New World cover

Aldous Huxley

Brave New World

This dystopian novel, like 'Logan’s Run', explores a future society where people are controlled and manipulated by the government. However, in 'Brave New World', it is through the use of drugs and genetic engineering. The book will appeal to fans of 'Logan’s Run' who enjoy thought-provoking, speculative fiction.

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Fahrenheit 451 cover

Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451

In this classic dystopian novel, books are banned and firemen burn any that are found. The protagonist, Guy Montag, begins to question his role in this society and sets out to change it. Fans of 'Logan’s Run' will enjoy the exploration of a future society and the themes of rebellion and individuality.

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The Time Machine cover

H.G. Wells

The Time Machine

In this classic science fiction novel, a time traveler journeys into the distant future and encounters two distinct species, the Eloi and the Morlocks. Like 'Logan’s Run', it explores a future society and the consequences of humanity’s actions. Fans of 'Logan’s Run' will enjoy the speculative elements and the themes of societal decay.

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A Canticle for Leibowitz cover

Walter M. Miller Jr.

A Canticle for Leibowitz

In this post-apocalyptic novel, a Catholic monastery preserves knowledge and technology after a nuclear holocaust. Like 'Logan’s Run', it explores the consequences of humanity’s actions and the themes of survival and rebuilding. Fans of 'Logan’s Run' will enjoy the speculative elements and the exploration of a future society.

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The Sirens of Titan cover

Kurt Vonnegut

The Sirens of Titan

In this science fiction novel, a wealthy man sends his son on a mission to Mars to find his missing wife. Like 'Logan’s Run', it explores a future society and the themes of free will and the meaning of life. Fans of 'Logan’s Run' will enjoy the speculative elements and the exploration of a future society.

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Star Maker cover

Olaf Stapledon

Star Maker

In this science fiction novel, a man explores the universe and encounters various alien civilizations. Like 'Logan’s Run', it explores a future society and the themes of free will and the meaning of life. Fans of 'Logan’s Run' will enjoy the speculative elements and the exploration of a future society.

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More Than Human cover

Theodore Sturgeon

More Than Human

In this science fiction novel, a group of misfits with special abilities come together to form a new, more advanced human being. Like 'Logan’s Run', it explores the consequences of humanity’s actions and the themes of survival and rebuilding. Fans of 'Logan’s Run' will enjoy the speculative elements and the exploration of a future society.

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