Discover books similar to "Tropic of Capricorn"

Tropic of Capricorn cover

Henry Miller

Tropic of Capricorn


"Tropic of Capricorn" is a novel by Henry Miller, first published in 1939. The book is a semi-autobiographical account of the author's experiences in New York City during the 1920s and 30s, and is considered a companion piece to Miller's earlier work, "Tropic of Cancer." The novel follows the protagonist, Henry V, as he navigates the seedy underbelly of New York City, struggling to make a living and find meaning in a world that seems to be falling apart around him. Through a series of vivid and often explicit descriptions, Miller explores themes of sexuality, masculinity, and the search for identity. One of the most striking aspects of "Tropic of Capricorn" is its unapologetic and raw depiction of sexuality. Miller writes openly and candidly about his own sexual experiences, and the novel is filled with graphic descriptions of sexual acts. However, the book is more than just a collection of sexual encounters; it is a profound exploration of the human condition, and the ways in which our sexual desires and experiences shape our identities. Miller's prose is rich and evocative, filled with vivid imagery and striking metaphors. He has a unique ability to capture the essence of a moment or a feeling, and his writing is by turns poetic, philosophical, and brutally honest. Despite its explicit content, "Tropic of Capricorn" is a deeply philosophical and thought-provoking novel. It challenges readers to confront their own assumptions about sexuality, identity, and the nature of reality. It is a book that is both deeply personal and universally relatable, and its themes and ideas continue to resonate with readers today. Overall, "Tropic of Capricorn" is a powerful and provocative work of literature, and a testament to Henry Miller's unique vision and voice. It is a book that is not to be missed by anyone interested in exploring the depths of the human experience...

List of books similar to "Tropic of Capricorn":

The Sun Also Rises cover

Ernest Hemingway

The Sun Also Rises

Ernest Hemingway's classic novel about disillusionment and the search for meaning shares many themes with 'Tropic of Capricorn'. Both books explore the lives of expatriates and their struggles to find purpose in a world that often seems absurd.

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Naked Lunch cover

William S. Burroughs

Naked Lunch

Like 'Tropic of Capricorn', 'Naked Lunch' is a groundbreaking work of literature that challenges conventional norms and values. Both books are known for their raw, unfiltered portrayal of the human experience.

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The Stranger cover

Albert Camus

The Stranger

This classic existentialist novel by Albert Camus shares the same philosophical underpinnings as 'Tropic of Capricorn'. The protagonist's search for meaning and identity in a seemingly indifferent world mirrors Henry Miller's exploration of the human condition.

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On the Road cover

Jack Kerouac

On the Road

Jack Kerouac's classic novel of restlessness and the search for meaning shares many themes with 'Tropic of Capricorn'. Both books explore the lives of characters who are searching for something more in a world that often seems shallow and superficial.

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Candy cover

Terry Southern


This satirical novel shares the same irreverent spirit as 'Tropic of Capricorn'. Both books use humor and irony to critique contemporary society and its values.

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A Confederacy of Dunces cover

John Kennedy Toole

A Confederacy of Dunces

Like 'Tropic of Capricorn', 'A Confederacy of Dunces' is a groundbreaking work of literature that challenges conventional norms and values. Both books use humor and irony to critique contemporary society and its values.

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Junky cover

William S. Burroughs


This autobiographical novel by William S. Burroughs explores the themes of addiction, alienation, and identity, much like 'Tropic of Capricorn'. Both books offer a raw, unfiltered portrayal of the human experience.

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The Catcher in the Rye cover

J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye

This classic novel of adolescent angst and alienation shares many themes with 'Tropic of Capricorn'. Both books explore the lives of characters who are searching for meaning and identity in a world that often seems shallow and superficial.

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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas cover

Hunter S. Thompson

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Like 'Tropic of Capricorn', 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' is a groundbreaking work of literature that challenges conventional norms and values. Both books use humor and irony to critique contemporary society and its values.

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Women cover

Charles Bukowski


This novel by Charles Bukowski explores the themes of sexuality, identity, and the human condition, much like 'Tropic of Capricorn'. Both books offer a raw, unfiltered portrayal of the human experience.

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