Part of "The Civil War Trilogy" series
"The Last Full Measure" by Jeff Shaara is a compelling and meticulously researched historical novel that explores the final year of the American Civil War. Shaara, known for his ability to bring historical events to life through fiction, delivers an immersive and poignant narrative that follows the key figures of the Civil War, both Union and Confederate, during the war's final months. The novel begins with the Battle of Gettysburg and ends with the surrender at Appomattox, taking readers on a journey through the battles, political maneuverings, and personal struggles that defined the last year of the war. The story is told from multiple perspectives, including Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman, Robert E. Lee, and Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, among others. This approach allows readers to gain a deep understanding of the complex motivations and emotions that drove the individuals who shaped the course of American history. Shaara's writing is descriptive and engaging, bringing the reader into the heart of the battle and immersing them in the sights, sounds, and smells of the Civil War. The author's attention to detail is evident in his vivid portrayal of the historical events, and his ability to weave together fact and fiction creates a captivating and educational reading experience. One of the strengths of "The Last Full Measure" is its exploration of the human side of war. Shaara delves into the personal lives of his characters, revealing their hopes, fears, and dreams, and showing how the war impacted not only their military careers but also their relationships with their families and friends. This humanizing element adds depth and richness to the narrative, making the characters more relatable and the story more compelling. Overall, "The Last Full Measure" is a must-read for anyone interested in American history or the Civil War. Shaara's masterful storytelling and attention to detail make for an engaging and educational reading experience that brings the final year of the Civil War to life in a way that is both informative and deeply moving...
Michael Shaara
The Killer Angels
The Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about the Battle of Gettysburg, The Killer Angels is a unique look into the minds of soldiers and leaders during one of the most pivotal battles of the Civil War. This book is a great choice for fans of The Last Full Measure as it shares the same historical focus and attention to detail in its storytelling.
Learn MoreStephen Crane
The Red Badge of Courage
Considered a classic of American literature, The Red Badge of Courage tells the story of a young Union soldier's experiences during the Civil War. This book is a great choice for fans of The Last Full Measure who are interested in a more literary take on the subject matter, as well as those who want to explore the psychological effects of war on individual soldiers.
Learn MoreCharles Frazier
Cold Mountain
A National Book Award winner, Cold Mountain is a sweeping epic about a Confederate soldier's journey home to his beloved in the waning days of the Civil War. This book is a great choice for fans of The Last Full Measure who are interested in a more personal, character-driven story set against the backdrop of the war.
Learn MoreHarry Turtledove
The Guns of the South
An alternate history novel in which the Confederacy acquires AK-47s from a time-traveling group of South Africans, The Guns of the South is a unique and thought-provoking look at the Civil War and its legacy. This book is a great choice for fans of The Last Full Measure who are interested in exploring different perspectives on the war and its outcome.
Learn MoreE.L. Doctorow
The March
A sweeping epic that follows the Union army's march through the South during the final days of the Civil War, The March is a powerful and moving exploration of the human cost of war. This book is a great choice for fans of The Last Full Measure who are interested in a more literary take on the subject matter, as well as those who want to explore the experiences of soldiers and civilians on both sides of the conflict.
Learn MoreDoris Kearns Goodwin
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
A sweeping biography of Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet, Team of Rivals is a fascinating exploration of the political acumen and leadership of one of America's most revered presidents. This book is a great choice for fans of The Last Full Measure who are interested in learning more about the political history of the Civil War and the role of leadership in shaping the course of the conflict.
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