"Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War" by Clive Barker is the thrilling continuation of the young adult fantasy series, "Abarat." The series follows the adventures of Candy Quackenbush, a teenage girl from Minnesota who discovers a magical archipelago of twenty-five islands, each representing a different hour of the day. In "Days of Magic, Nights of War," Candy finds herself in the midst of a brewing war between the islands of the Abarat. The forces of light and darkness are gathering, and Candy must navigate the treacherous political landscape as she tries to prevent the impending conflict. Along the way, she encounters a host of fantastical creatures, from the beautiful and mysterious Sea Hags to the terrifying Gorgonauts. Barker's world-building is second to none, and the Abarat is a fully realized and intricately detailed universe. The author's use of vivid and imaginative language brings the world to life, and the reader cannot help but be drawn into Candy's adventures. The book is also beautifully illustrated by the author himself, adding another layer of depth and richness to the story. One of the strengths of "Days of Magic, Nights of War" is its exploration of complex themes such as the nature of good and evil, the importance of friendship, and the power of love. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and Candy's growth and development throughout the series are particularly noteworthy. Overall, "Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War" is a captivating and thrilling addition to the series. Fans of fantasy and adventure will be enthralled by the world of Abarat and the epic battle between light and darkness. The book is a must-read for fans of Clive Barker and a great introduction to his work for newcomers...
Erin Morgenstern
The Night Circus
Fans of 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War' will enjoy the enchanting and immersive world of 'The Night Circus'. This book tells the story of a magical circus and the two young magicians who are bound together in a competition that will determine the fate of the circus and its performers.
Learn MoreSusanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
For readers who enjoyed the blend of history and fantasy in 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War', 'Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell' is a must-read. This book is set in an alternate 19th-century England and follows the story of two magicians who bring magic back into the world.
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The Golem and the Jinni
Like 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War', 'The Golem and the Jinni' is a captivating tale of magic and wonder set in a fantastical version of our world. This book tells the story of a golem and a jinni who are brought to life in 19th-century New York and must navigate the complexities of their new existence.
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The City & the City
Fans of the imaginative and immersive world-building in 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War' will enjoy the unique and thought-provoking setting of 'The City & The City'. This book is set in two cities that occupy the same physical space, but are separate and distinct political entities, and follows the story of a detective investigating a murder that crosses the boundary between the two cities.
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The Steerswoman
For readers who enjoyed the sense of adventure and discovery in 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War', 'The Steerswoman' is a great choice. This book tells the story of a steerswoman, a member of a guild of explorers and scientists, who is tasked with discovering the source of a mysterious blue stone and uncovering the secrets of a fantastical world.
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The Broken Sword
Like 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War', 'The Broken Sword' is a captivating tale of magic and adventure set in a fantastical world. This book tells the story of a human and an elf who are brought together by fate and must navigate the complexities of a world at war.
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The Dark Is Rising
Fans of the epic struggle between good and evil in 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War' will enjoy the classic fantasy series 'The Dark Is Rising'. This book tells the story of a young boy who is chosen to be a member of the Old Ones, a group of magical beings who must protect the world from the forces of darkness.
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The Once and Future King
For readers who enjoyed the mythic and legendary elements of 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War', 'The Once and Future King' is a must-read. This book tells the story of King Arthur and his knights of the round table, and explores themes of love, loyalty, and leadership.
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The Hero and the Crown
Like 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War', 'The Hero and the Crown' is a captivating tale of a young hero who must overcome great challenges to save their kingdom. This book tells the story of a princess who must prove herself as a warrior and a leader in order to defeat the dragons that threaten her kingdom.
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The Blue Sword
Fans of the epic quest and adventure in 'Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War' will enjoy 'The Blue Sword'. This book tells the story of a young woman who is drawn into a magical world and must learn to wield a powerful sword in order to save her new friends and allies from an ancient enemy.
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