Part of "Wicked Lovely" series
"Wicked Lovely" by Melissa Marr is a captivating young adult urban fantasy novel that explores the intersection between the mortal world and the faery realm. The story revolves around Aislinn, a seemingly ordinary teenager who has the unique ability to see faeries, a secret she has kept hidden from everyone, including her best friends. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when she catches the eye of Keenan, the Summer King, who is in search of a mortal queen to rule by his side. Marr skillfully weaves together a complex and intricate plot, filled with danger, romance, and betrayal. The author's vivid and imaginative descriptions of the faery world and its inhabitants are enchanting and transport the reader into a realm where nothing is as it seems. The characters are well-developed, and the relationships between them are dynamic and engaging. Aislinn's struggle to balance her mortal life with her newfound responsibilities as a potential faery queen is both relatable and compelling. One of the strengths of "Wicked Lovely" is its exploration of the consequences of power and the choices people make to obtain or maintain it. The novel raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of love, loyalty, and sacrifice. Marr also challenges traditional gender roles and expectations, particularly in the faery world, where women are often portrayed as weak and subservient. "Wicked Lovely" is the first book in the "Wicked Lovely" series, and it sets the stage for a thrilling and immersive reading experience. The novel's cliffhanger ending leaves readers eager for more, and the subsequent books in the series do not disappoint. Overall, "Wicked Lovely" is a must-read for fans of urban fantasy and young adult fiction. Its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes make it a standout in the genre...
Holly Black
The Darkest Part of the Forest
In this modern faerie tale from the author of the Spiderwick Chronicles, Hazel and her brother Ben live in a small town with a dangerous secret: a horned boy lives in the forest, and every hundred years, a mortal falls in love with him. When Hazel and Ben were little, they roamed the forest to see him, and Ben even left an offering for him. Now, as Hazel begins to uncover the truth about the boy, she must also face the truth about herself and her own desires.
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Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale
Sixteen-year-old Kaye is a modern nomad, moving from place to place with her mother's rock band. But when she returns to her childhood home, she discovers that the pixie road she used to travel as a child is now blocked. As she investigates, she finds herself drawn into the world of the faeries, who have dark and dangerous plans for her.
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The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
Tana lives in a world where vampires are real, and Coldtowns are the only places where they can live openly. But when she is bitten by a vampire and her ex-boyfriend is turned, she finds herself caught up in a dangerous game of power and politics, where one wrong move could mean her death.
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