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Battle Angel Alita cover

Yukito Kishiro

Battle Angel Alita


"Battle Angel Alita," also known as "Gunnm" in its original Japanese publication, is a celebrated manga series written and illustrated by Yukito Kishiro. This post-apocalyptic saga is a captivating blend of science fiction, action, and drama, set in a dystopian future where the remnants of humanity live between the ruins of Earth and a floating city in the sky. The story follows Alita, a discarded cyborg with no memory of her past, who is found and reactivated by a compassionate cybernetics doctor named Ido. As Alita regains her sense of self, she discovers her extraordinary combat abilities and embarks on a journey to uncover her true origins. Along the way, she becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue, crime, and political machinations, challenging powerful adversaries and forging deep bonds with those who cross her path. Kishiro's intricate storytelling and detailed artwork bring the world of "Battle Angel Alita" to life, immersing readers in a richly imagined universe filled with diverse characters, innovative technology, and thrilling action sequences. The series explores themes of identity, humanity, and the consequences of power, offering a thought-provoking and exhilarating reading experience. "Battle Angel Alita" has garnered critical acclaim and a devoted fanbase since its initial publication in 1990, and its influence can be seen in various media, including the 2019 live-action film adaptation directed by Robert Rodriguez. With its compelling narrative, memorable characters, and stunning visuals, "Battle Angel Alita" is a must-read for manga enthusiasts and a significant contribution to the science fiction genre...