Part of "Alex McKnight" series
"Winter of the Wolf Moon" by Steve Hamilton is a riveting crime thriller that follows the story of Alex McKnight, a former Detroit police officer who now lives a quiet life in the remote town of Paradise, Michigan. However, his peaceful existence is disrupted when he stumbles upon a murder scene in the woods, and the victim turns out to be a woman he had a brief encounter with. As the town's only ex-cop, Alex feels compelled to help the local police department solve the case, but he quickly realizes that this is no ordinary murder. The victim's past comes back to haunt her, and Alex finds himself drawn into a dangerous world of organized crime, deceit, and betrayal. Hamilton's writing style is crisp and concise, with a strong sense of place that immerses the reader in the harsh, unforgiving landscape of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is full of unexpected twists and turns that keep the reader engaged until the very end. What sets "Winter of the Wolf Moon" apart from other crime thrillers is its exploration of the human condition. Hamilton delves deep into the psyche of his characters, revealing their fears, desires, and motivations. The novel raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of justice, revenge, and forgiveness. Overall, "Winter of the Wolf Moon" is a gripping and intelligent crime thriller that will appeal to fans of authors like Michael Connelly and James Lee Burke. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a complex plot, well-developed characters, and a strong sense of place...
Heather Gudenkauf
The Weight of Silence
Like 'Winter of the Wolf Moon', this book features a community in crisis and explores the tensions between individual and community. The tight plotting and character development will appeal to fans of Hamilton's work.
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The Poacher's Son
This is the first book in the Mike Bowditch series, and it shares many similarities with 'Winter of the Wolf Moon'. Both books feature a rugged outdoorsman as the main character, and they both explore the tensions between individual and community in rural settings.
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The Marsh King's Daughter
Like 'Winter of the Wolf Moon', this book features a protagonist who must confront their past in order to survive. The tight plotting and atmospheric prose will appeal to fans of Hamilton's work.
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