Discover books similar to "Closing Time"

Closing Time cover

Joseph Heller

Closing Time


Part of "Catch-22" series

"Closing Time" (1994) is Joseph Heller's sequel to his groundbreaking novel "Catch-22" (1961), and while it doesn't quite reach the same heights as its predecessor, it remains a compelling and thought-provoking read. Set in the 1970s and 1980s, "Closing Time" follows the lives of several characters from "Catch-22," including the protagonist, Yossarian, who is now a wealthy and successful businessman living in New York City. The novel explores themes of aging, mortality, and the legacy of war, as Yossarian grapples with the ghosts of his past and the realities of his present. Heller's writing is as sharp and incisive as ever, and he brings his signature wit and humor to bear on the novel's weighty themes. The characters are richly drawn and deeply human, and Heller captures the absurdity and absurdity of modern life with his usual aplomb. However, "Closing Time" is not without its flaws. The novel can feel disjointed at times, as Heller jumps between different characters and time periods. Additionally, some readers may find the novel's exploration of mortality and aging to be somewhat bleak and depressing. Overall, "Closing Time" is a worthy successor to "Catch-22," and a testament to Heller's enduring talent as a writer. While it may not be as iconic or influential as its predecessor, it is a thought-provoking and engaging novel that is well worth reading for fans of Heller's work or anyone interested in the legacy of war and the human condition...

List of books similar to "Closing Time":

Catch-22 cover

Joseph Heller


If you enjoyed 'Closing Time', you might want to revisit its prequel, 'Catch-22'. This classic novel, which was Heller's debut, tells the story of Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier, and his experiences in the Mediterranean Theater of World War II. The novel is known for its dark humor, absurd situations, and commentary on the military bureaucracy and the futility of war.

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Slaughterhouse-Five cover

Kurt Vonnegut


Fans of 'Closing Time' might enjoy 'Slaughterhouse-Five' by Kurt Vonnegut. This anti-war novel tells the story of Billy Pilgrim, a man who becomes unstuck in time and experiences various moments of his life in a non-linear fashion. The novel explores themes of free will, time travel, and the horrors of war, and like 'Closing Time', it features a darkly comic tone.

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Catch-22 cover

Joseph Heller


If you loved the dark humor and satire of 'Closing Time', you'll want to check out Joseph Heller's classic novel 'Catch-22'. This novel, which was Heller's debut, tells the story of Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier, and his experiences in the Mediterranean Theater of World War II. The novel is known for its biting satire, absurd situations, and commentary on the military bureaucracy and the futility of war.

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Gravity's Rainbow cover

Thomas Pynchon

Gravity's Rainbow

Fans of 'Closing Time' who are looking for a challenging and complex novel might enjoy 'Gravity's Rainbow' by Thomas Pynchon. This novel, which is set during World War II, tells the story of a group of characters who are involved in the development and deployment of the V-2 rocket. The novel is known for its intricate plot, large cast of characters, and experimental prose style.

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The Naked and the Dead cover

Norman Mailer

The Naked and the Dead

If you're looking for a novel with a similar military setting and exploration of the human condition as 'Closing Time', you might enjoy 'The Naked and the Dead' by Norman Mailer. This novel, which is set during World War II, tells the story of a group of soldiers who are fighting on a remote island in the Pacific. The novel explores themes of power, masculinity, and the effects of war on the human psyche.

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The Catcher in the Rye cover

J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye

Fans of 'Closing Time' who are looking for a novel with a similar exploration of the human condition and coming-of-age themes might enjoy 'The Catcher in the Rye' by J.D. Salinger. This novel tells the story of Holden Caulfield, a teenager who is struggling to come to terms with the death of his brother and his own sense of alienation and disillusionment.

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Sophie's Choice cover

William Styron

Sophie's Choice

If you're looking for a novel with a similar exploration of the human condition and historical context as 'Closing Time', you might enjoy 'Sophie's Choice' by William Styron. This novel tells the story of Sophie, a Polish immigrant who is haunted by her past and the choices she made during World War II.

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The Sun Also Rises cover

Ernest Hemingway

The Sun Also Rises

Fans of 'Closing Time' who are looking for a novel with a similar exploration of the human condition and themes of disillusionment and alienation might enjoy 'The Sun Also Rises' by Ernest Hemingway. This novel tells the story of a group of expatriates who are living in Paris and struggling to find meaning in their lives.

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To Kill a Mockingbird cover

Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird

If you're looking for a novel with a similar exploration of the human condition and themes of morality and justice as 'Closing Time', you might enjoy 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. This novel tells the story of Scout Finch, a young girl who learns about the importance of empathy and standing up for what is right.

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The Great Gatsby cover

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

Fans of 'Closing Time' who are looking for a novel with a similar exploration of the human condition and themes of disillusionment and the American Dream might enjoy 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This novel tells the story of Jay Gatsby, a wealthy man who is obsessed with winning back the love of his life, Daisy Buchanan.

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