"Scruples" by Judith Krantz is a captivating novel that revolves around the life of a wealthy woman, Wilhelmina Hunnewell "Billy" Ikehorn, and her journey to success and self-discovery. The story is set in the glamorous world of high fashion, where Billy, a department store heiress, opens a chic boutique called "Scruples" in Beverly Hills. The novel explores the themes of ambition, love, and betrayal, as Billy navigates the challenges of running a successful business while also dealing with complex personal relationships. Krantz masterfully weaves together multiple storylines, including Billy's romantic entanglements with a wealthy entrepreneur and a charming Frenchman, as well as her friendships and rivalries with other women in the fashion industry. One of the strengths of "Scruples" is its richly drawn characters, who are both relatable and larger-than-life. Billy is a complex and compelling protagonist, whose struggles and triumphs will resonate with readers. The supporting characters, from the fiercely loyal shop girls at Scruples to the ruthless business rivals, are equally well-developed and memorable. Krantz's writing is engaging and descriptive, bringing the world of high fashion to life in vivid detail. The pacing is fast-paced, with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers engaged until the very end. Overall, "Scruples" is a highly entertaining and engaging novel that will appeal to fans of women's fiction and romantic dramas. Its exploration of themes such as ambition and self-discovery, as well as its richly drawn characters and glamorous setting, make it a standout addition to any reader's bookshelf...
Rona Jaffe
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For a scandalous look at the world of media and celebrity, try 'The Love Machine'. This novel tells the story of a ruthless television executive who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
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The Devil Wears Prada
If you enjoyed the high-stakes world of 'Scruples', you'll love 'The Devil Wears Prada'. This novel tells the story of a young woman who lands a job at a prestigious fashion magazine and must navigate the cutthroat world of fashion and celebrity.
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The Secret History
For a more literary take on the themes of 'Scruples', try 'The Secret History'. This novel tells the story of a group of wealthy college students who become embroiled in a dangerous game of power and manipulation.
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The Nest
If you loved the family dynamics in 'Scruples', you'll enjoy 'The Nest'. This novel tells the story of four siblings who must come to terms with their dysfunctional family and a large inheritance that threatens to tear them apart.
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