"The Five Fists of Science" by Matt Fraction is a thrilling and humorous alternate history graphic novel that reimagines the lives of famous inventors and scientists of the late 19th century. The story follows a group of five radical thinkers, including Nikola Tesla, Mark Twain, and Thomas Edison, as they join forces to create a series of incredible inventions and use them to change the world for the better. However, their plans for a utopian future are threatened by the powerful industrialists and robber barons of the time, who will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power. The five heroes must then use their brains and brawn to outwit their enemies and bring about a new age of enlightenment. Fraction's writing is sharp and witty, bringing these historical figures to life in a way that is both entertaining and informative. The artwork, by Steven Sanders, is equally impressive, with detailed and dynamic illustrations that perfectly capture the excitement and energy of the story. One of the strengths of "The Five Fists of Science" is its ability to balance historical accuracy with creative license. Fraction takes liberties with the lives and personalities of the five protagonists, but he does so in a way that is grounded in reality and respectful of the time period. The result is a thrilling and imaginative tale that is as educational as it is entertaining. Overall, "The Five Fists of Science" is a must-read for fans of alternate history, science fiction, and historical fiction. Its unique blend of humor, action, and drama make it a standout addition to any graphic novel collection. Whether you're a history buff or just looking for a fun and exciting read, this book is sure to deliver...