Part of "Aunt Dimity Mystery" series
In "Aunt Dimity Slays the Dragon," the 14th installment of Nancy Atherton's beloved cozy mystery series, Lori Shepherd finds herself in the midst of a challenging village renovation project. The picturesque English village of Finch is in dire need of repair, and Lori, along with her husband, Bill, and their two children, are determined to help. However, the project quickly turns into a chaotic mess, with villagers arguing over every detail and the project's funding in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Lori's beloved aunt, Aunt Dimity, is busy helping from beyond the grave, as she always does. With her trusty notebook and typewriter, Aunt Dimity provides Lori with much-needed guidance and wisdom, helping her navigate the tricky waters of village politics and personal relationships. As the renovation project progresses, Lori discovers that there is more to the village's history than she initially thought. A long-forgotten diary reveals a shocking secret about one of Finch's most respected residents, and Lori must unravel the mystery before it's too late. Atherton's signature blend of warmth, wit, and intrigue is on full display in "Aunt Dimity Slays the Dragon." The novel is a delightful escape into a world of quirky villagers, charming cottages, and cozy mysteries. Lori's relationship with Aunt Dimity is the heart of the series, and their interactions in this installment are as heartwarming and poignant as ever. Fans of the Aunt Dimity series will be thrilled with "Aunt Dimity Slays the Dragon," while newcomers will be charmed by Atherton's engaging prose and lovable characters. This is a perfect read for anyone who loves a good mystery, enjoys a trip to the English countryside, or simply wants to escape into a world of warmth and wonder...