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Erving Goffman

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life


"The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life" by Erving Goffman is a seminal work in the field of sociology, particularly in the area of symbolic interactionism. First published in 1959, the book explores the ways in which individuals present themselves to others in social situations, and how these presentations are shaped by societal norms, expectations, and power dynamics. Goffman uses the metaphor of the theater to describe how individuals "perform" their identities in different social settings. Just as actors on a stage adopt different roles and personas, so too do people in their everyday lives. However, unlike actors who are aware of their audience, individuals in everyday life may not always be conscious of the fact that they are performing. The book is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the concept of dramaturgy and explores the various aspects of the social setting, or "stage," in which individuals perform. The second part examines the "performance" itself, including the use of props, costumes, and scripts to create a desired impression. The third part explores the "backstage" region, where individuals prepare for their performances and where the "illusion" of the performance can be dropped. Goffman's work is notable for its interdisciplinary approach, drawing on insights from sociology, anthropology, psychology, and theater studies. The book has had a profound impact on the field of sociology and has been widely cited in a variety of disciplines, including communication studies, psychology, and organizational behavior. Overall, "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life" is a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of the ways in which individuals present themselves to others in social situations. The book challenges readers to think critically about the performance of identity and the ways in which societal norms and expectations shape our behavior. Whether you are a student, scholar, or simply someone interested in understanding human behavior, this book is a valuable addition to your reading list...