Part of "Peter Shandy" series
"Rest You Merry," a classic mystery novel by Charlotte MacLeod, is a delightful and engaging whodunit that is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Set in the picturesque town of Balaclava Island, the story revolves around the wealthy and eccentric Baldwin family, who have gathered for their annual Christmas celebration. However, the festivities are cut short when the family's patriarch, Great-Uncle Benjamin, is found dead in his study, apparently the victim of a fatal heart attack. As the family gathers to mourn, it becomes clear that not all is as it seems. When the local doctor reveals that Great-Uncle Benjamin was actually poisoned, the guests realize that a murderer is among them. With the snow piling up outside and no way to escape, it's up to the guests to solve the mystery before the killer strikes again. MacLeod's writing is witty and engaging, with a strong sense of place and a cast of memorable characters. The plot is intricate and well-crafted, with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers guessing until the very end. The novel is also infused with a strong sense of humor, making it a perfect choice for those looking for a lighthearted mystery. Overall, "Rest You Merry" is a charming and entertaining read that is sure to appeal to fans of classic mystery novels. With its engaging plot, memorable characters, and witty writing, it's a book that is not to be missed. Whether you're a longtime fan of Charlotte MacLeod or new to her work, this novel is a great choice for anyone looking for a cozy and enjoyable mystery...
Josephine Tey
The Daughter of Time
Fans of 'Rest You Merry' will enjoy 'The Daughter of Time' by Josephine Tey. This novel features a clever and engaging plot, as well as a witty and likable detective, much like MacLeod's 'Sarah Kelling and Max Bittersohn' series. The story revolves around a historical mystery, which will appeal to history buffs and mystery lovers alike.
Learn MoreDorothy L. Sayers
Murder Must Advertise
If you're looking for a witty and sophisticated mystery, try 'Murder Must Advertise' by Dorothy L. Sayers. This novel features a clever plot and memorable characters, much like 'Rest You Merry'. The story takes place in the world of advertising, adding an interesting and unique twist to the traditional mystery formula.
Learn MoreAgatha Christie
The Hollow
Fans of 'Rest You Merry' will enjoy 'The Hollow' by Agatha Christie. This novel features a classic country house murder mystery, complete with a cast of eccentric and suspicious characters. The story is engaging and well-written, with a clever and satisfying resolution.
Learn MoreAgatha Christie
A Murder Is Announced
If you enjoyed the clever and engaging plot of 'Rest You Merry', you'll love 'A Murder is Announced' by Agatha Christie. This novel features a classic Christie mystery, with a clever and unexpected twist. The story is well-written and engaging, with a cast of memorable and eccentric characters.
Learn MoreDorothy L. Sayers
The Nine Tailors
Fans of 'Rest You Merry' will enjoy 'The Nine Tailors' by Dorothy L. Sayers. This novel features a clever and sophisticated plot, as well as a likable and witty detective. The story takes place in the world of bell-ringing, adding an interesting and unique twist to the traditional mystery formula.
Learn MoreDorothy L. Sayers
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
If you're looking for a clever and sophisticated mystery, try 'The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club' by Dorothy L. Sayers. This novel features a complex and engaging plot, as well as a likable and witty detective. The story takes place in the world of the British aristocracy, adding an interesting and unique twist to the traditional mystery formula.
Learn MoreAgatha Christie
The A.B.C. Murders
Fans of 'Rest You Merry' will enjoy 'The A.B.C. Murders' by Agatha Christie. This novel features a clever and engaging plot, as well as a likable and witty detective. The story is well-written and engaging, with a cast of memorable and eccentric characters.
Learn MoreDorothy L. Sayers
Strong Poison
Fans of 'Rest You Merry' will enjoy 'Strong Poison' by Dorothy L. Sayers. This novel features a clever and sophisticated plot, as well as a likable and witty detective. The story takes place in the world of the British legal system, adding an interesting and unique twist to the traditional mystery formula.
Learn MoreDorothy L. Sayers
Five Red Herrings
If you're looking for a clever and sophisticated mystery, try 'Five Red Herrings' by Dorothy L. Sayers. This novel features a complex and engaging plot, as well as a likable and witty detective. The story takes place in the world of art and artists, adding an interesting and unique twist to the traditional mystery formula.
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