Part of "Jane Madison" series
"Magic and the Modern Girl" by Mindy Klasky is a delightful and engaging novel that blends elements of fantasy, romance, and women's fiction to create a captivating story. The book follows the journey of Julia, a successful lawyer in Washington D.C., who discovers that she possesses magical powers. As she navigates this new world of magic, she must also confront the challenges of her career, her relationships, and her own identity. Klasky's writing is sharp and witty, with a strong voice that draws the reader in from the very first page. The characters are well-developed and relatable, with Julia's struggles to balance her magical and mundane lives feeling particularly poignant. The author also does an excellent job of building the magical world, making it feel both fantastical and grounded in reality. One of the standout aspects of "Magic and the Modern Girl" is the way it explores themes of feminism and empowerment. Julia's journey is not just about discovering her magical abilities, but also about finding her voice and standing up for herself in a world that often undervalues her contributions. The book is a celebration of female friendship and sisterhood, with Julia's relationships with other women playing a crucial role in her development. Overall, "Magic and the Modern Girl" is a charming and thought-provoking novel that will appeal to fans of fantasy and women's fiction alike. Its engaging plot, relatable characters, and timely themes make it a standout addition to the genre. Whether you're looking for a fun escape or a thoughtful exploration of what it means to be a modern woman, this book is sure to deliver...
Deborah Harkness
A Discovery of Witches
This book is a great choice for readers who enjoyed 'Magic and the Modern Girl' because it combines historical fiction with elements of magic and romance. The protagonist, Diana Bishop, is a scholar who discovers a bewitched manuscript in Oxford's Bodleian Library, which leads her to a magical world she never knew existed. This book is the first in the All Souls Trilogy.
Learn MoreKatherine Howe
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
Fans of 'Magic and the Modern Girl' will enjoy this book's blend of historical fiction, witchcraft, and mystery. Set in 1991, a graduate student named Connie Goodwin discovers a cache of early American witchcraft materials that lead her to uncover the truth about her own family's past. This book is a great choice for readers who want to explore the history of witchcraft in New England.
Learn MoreAlice Hoffman
Practical Magic
This book is a classic in the genre of magical realism and is a great choice for readers who enjoyed 'Magic and the Modern Girl'. The story follows the lives of two sisters, Gillian and Sally Owens, who come from a long line of witches. When Gillian runs away from home, Sally is left to face their family's curse alone. This book is a heartwarming and enchanting tale of love, family, and magic.
Learn MoreErin Morgenstern
The Night Circus
This book is a beautifully written and imaginative story that combines elements of magic, romance, and historical fiction. The story follows the lives of two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who are bound together in a magical competition. The circus is the setting for their competition, and it becomes a dreamlike world that captivates its audience. This book is a great choice for readers who want to escape into a world of magic and wonder.
Learn MorePaula Brackston
The Witch's Daughter
This book is a gripping and suspenseful tale of witchcraft and magic that is a great choice for readers who enjoyed 'Magic and the Modern Girl'. The story follows the life of Bess Hawksmith, a witch who has been on the run for centuries. When she finally settles in a small English town, she must confront her past and the dark forces that have been pursuing her. This book is a great choice for readers who want to explore the darker side of magic.
Learn MoreLev Grossman
The Magicians
This book is a modern and gritty take on the fantasy genre that is a great choice for readers who enjoyed 'Magic and the Modern Girl'. The story follows the life of Quentin Coldwater, a young man who discovers that magic is real and that he has the talent to become a magician. When he is admitted to a secret college of magic in upstate New York, he must confront the dark forces that threaten his newfound abilities. This book is a great choice for readers who want to explore the darker side of magic in a contemporary setting.
Learn MoreHelene Wecker
The Golem and the Jinni
This book is a beautifully written and imaginative story that combines elements of historical fiction, fantasy, and romance. The story follows the lives of two mythical creatures, a golem and a jinni, who are trying to find their place in the world. When they meet in early 20th century New York City, they form an unlikely friendship that leads them on a journey of self-discovery. This book is a great choice for readers who want to explore the world of mythical creatures in a historical setting.
Learn MoreNeil Gaiman
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
This book is a haunting and beautifully written story of magic, memory, and childhood that is a great choice for readers who enjoyed 'Magic and the Modern Girl'. The story follows the life of a middle-aged man who returns to his childhood home and is reminded of the magical events that took place there. When he was a child, he formed a friendship with a young girl named Lettie Hempstock, who introduced him to a world of magic and wonder. This book is a great choice for readers who want to explore the world of childhood magic.
Learn MoreCharlie N. Holmberg
The Paper Magician
This book is a charming and enchanting story of magic, romance, and paper that is a great choice for readers who enjoyed 'Magic and the Modern Girl'. The story follows the life of Ceony Twill, a young woman who has just graduated from the Tagis Praff School for the Magically Inclined. When she is assigned to study under a paper magician named Emery Thane, she must learn to master the art of paper magic. This book is a great choice for readers who want to explore the world of magical craftsmanship.
Learn MoreErika Swyler
The Book of Speculation
This book is a captivating and imaginative story of magic, family, and books that is a great choice for readers who enjoyed 'Magic and the Modern Girl'. The story follows the life of Simon Watson, a young librarian who discovers a mysterious book that may hold the key to his family's past. When he starts to unravel the book's secrets, he is drawn into a world of magic and wonder. This book is a great choice for readers who want to explore the world of magical books.
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