Part of "John Ceepak Mystery" series
"Mad Mouse" by Chris Grabenstein is a thrilling and engaging young adult novel that combines elements of mystery, adventure, and humor. The story centers around the protagonist, John Ceepak, a former military police officer turned small-town cop, and his sidekick, Danny Boyle, a wise-cracking teenager who aspires to be a detective. Set in the seaside town of of of
Chris Grabenstein
The Crossroads
If you enjoyed the fast-paced and thrilling adventure in 'Mad Mouse', you'll love Chris Grabenstein's 'The Crossroads'. This young adult novel follows the story of Zack, who inherits a strange antique shop from his uncle. When he discovers a magical book that can transport him to alternate realities, Zack is thrust into a series of dangerous and exciting adventures. Filled with humor, suspense, and a touch of magic, 'The Crossroads' is a must-read for fans of 'Mad Mouse'.
Learn MoreSiobhan Dowd
The London Eye Mystery
If you enjoyed the mystery and intrigue in 'Mad Mouse', you'll love 'The London Eye Mystery'. This middle-grade novel follows the story of Ted and Kat, who are trying to solve the mystery of their cousin Salim's disappearance after he goes on the London Eye Ferris wheel and never comes back down. With its unique protagonist, engaging plot, and vivid descriptions of London, this book is a great choice for fans of 'Mad Mouse'.
Learn MoreEllen Raskin
The Westing Game
For readers who loved the puzzle-solving and adventure in 'Mad Mouse', 'The Westing Game' is a classic mystery novel that is sure to delight. This Newbery Medal-winning book follows the story of sixteen heirs who are brought together to solve the mystery of Samuel W. Westing's death and inherit his fortune. Filled with riddles, puzzles, and surprises, this book is a must-read for fans of 'Mad Mouse'.
Learn MoreTrenton Lee Stewart
The Mysterious Benedict Society
If you enjoyed the adventure and teamwork in 'Mad Mouse', 'The Mysterious Benedict Society' is a thrilling middle-grade novel that is sure to capture your imagination. This book follows the story of four gifted children who are brought together to solve a series of puzzles and riddles and save the world from a nefarious plot. Filled with humor, suspense, and a cast of unforgettable characters, this book is a great choice for fans of 'Mad Mouse'.
Learn MorePseudonymous Bosch
The Name of This Book Is Secret
For readers who loved the mystery and intrigue in 'Mad Mouse', 'The Name of This Book Is Secret' is a thrilling middle-grade novel that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. This book follows the story of two unlikely heroes, Cass and Max-Ernest, who are brought together to solve a series of puzzles and uncover the secrets of a mysterious society. Filled with humor, suspense, and a touch of magic, this book is a great choice for fans of 'Mad Mouse'.
Learn MoreLynne Cherry
The Great Kapok Tree
If you enjoyed the environmental themes in 'Mad Mouse', 'The Great Kapok Tree' is a beautiful picture book that explores the importance of preserving the rainforest. This book follows the story of a man who goes to the rainforest to cut down a giant kapok tree, but is convinced by the animals who live there to leave it standing. Filled with stunning illustrations and a powerful message, this book is a great choice for fans of 'Mad Mouse'.
Learn MoreKatherine Applegate
The One and Only Ivan
For readers who loved the animal characters in 'Mad Mouse', 'The One and Only Ivan' is a heartwarming middle-grade novel about a gorilla named Ivan who lives in a shopping mall. When Ivan meets a baby elephant named Ruby, he realizes that he must do everything he can to help her escape and find a better life. Filled with humor, suspense, and a cast of unforgettable characters, this book is a great choice for fans of 'Mad Mouse'.
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