"The Love Machine" by Jacqueline Susann is a classic novel that delves into the world of 1950s and 60s television and the lives of those who work in it. The story follows the rise and fall of Robin Stone, a charismatic and ambitious television executive who uses his charm and good looks to climb the corporate ladder. Susann's novel explores the themes of power, ambition, and sexuality, as Robin becomes embroiled in a web of romantic relationships with the women in his life. The novel is known for its frank and explicit depictions of sex, which were considered groundbreaking at the time of its publication in 1969. Despite its racy subject matter, "The Love Machine" is also a sharp and insightful commentary on the cutthroat world of television and the lengths that people will go to in order to succeed. Susann's portrayal of Robin is both sympathetic and critical, as she examines the consequences of his actions and the ultimate cost of his ambition. "The Love Machine" was a bestseller when it was first published and remains a popular and enduring work of fiction today. Susann's vivid and engaging writing style, combined with her keen eye for detail and her understanding of human nature, make this novel a compelling and thought-provoking read. Overall, "The Love Machine" is a classic work of fiction that offers a fascinating look into the world of 1950s and 60s television and the people who inhabited it. It is a novel that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, and one that is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers...
Jacqueline Susann
Valley of the Dolls
If you enjoyed the scandalous and dramatic portrayal of the lives of the rich and famous in 'The Love Machine,', you'll love Susann's other bestseller, 'Valley of the Dolls.' This novel follows the lives of three women as they navigate their way through the glamorous world of show business, and the darker side of fame and success.
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The Best of Everything
Fans of 'The Love Machine' will appreciate the behind-the-scenes look at the lives of women in the working world in 'The Best of Everything.' This novel follows the lives of several young women as they navigate their careers, relationships, and personal lives in 1950s New York City.
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Peyton Place
If you enjoyed the small-town drama and scandals in 'The Love Machine,' you'll love 'Peyton Place.' This novel exposes the secrets and lies of a seemingly idyllic New England town, revealing the darker side of human nature.
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If you were intrigued by the behind-the-scenes look at the television industry in 'The Love Machine,' you'll enjoy the medical thriller 'Coma.' This novel exposes the darker side of the medical profession, following a young medical student as she uncovers a conspiracy involving patients being put into comas.
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The Group
Fans of 'The Love Machine' will appreciate the focus on the lives of women in 'The Group.' This novel follows a group of eight Vassar College graduates as they navigate their way through the challenges of adulthood, exploring themes of love, sex, and feminism.
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The Carpetbaggers
If you enjoyed the larger-than-life characters and scandalous plot of 'The Love Machine,' you'll love 'The Carpetbaggers.' This novel tells the story of a wealthy businessman and his rise to power in the early days of the Hollywood film industry.
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The Prince of Tides
For readers who appreciated the complex family dynamics in 'The Love Machine,' 'The Prince of Tides' is a must-read. This novel explores the relationship between a troubled man and his family, revealing the secrets and lies that have shaped their lives.
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The Naked and the Dead
If you were intrigued by the portrayal of power and ambition in 'The Love Machine,' you'll enjoy the epic war novel 'The Naked and the Dead.' This novel follows a group of soldiers during World War II, exploring themes of masculinity, leadership, and the human condition.
Learn MoreDonna Tartt
The Secret History
For readers who enjoyed the darker side of human nature in 'The Love Machine,' 'The Secret History' is a must-read. This novel tells the story of a group of students at a elite college who become embroiled in a murder conspiracy, exploring themes of morality, power, and the corrupting influence of privilege.
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