"The Mask of Apollo" is a historical novel by Mary Renault, first published in 1966. The novel is set in ancient Greece during the 4th century BC, and it follows the life of a young actor named Nikeratos, who is also known as "Clazomenian" because of his origins in the city of Clazomenae. The novel begins with Nikeratos' arrival in the city of Syracuse, where he becomes involved in the political intrigues of the tyrant Dionysius II. Nikeratos is a talented actor, and he is soon invited to perform in the court of Dionysius II. However, he quickly becomes embroiled in the power struggles between Dionysius II and his opponents, including the philosopher Plato. Throughout the novel, Renault explores the themes of politics, power, and the role of art in society. Nikeratos is a complex character who is both a victim of the political turmoil of his time and an active participant in it. He is also a passionate artist who is deeply committed to his craft, and he struggles to maintain his integrity in the face of political pressure and personal temptation. Renault's portrayal of ancient Greece is richly detailed and deeply researched, and she brings the world of 4th century BC to life with vivid descriptions of the cities, landscapes, and people of the time. Her prose is elegant and evocative, and she has a keen eye for the nuances of human behavior. "The Mask of Apollo" is a compelling and thought-provoking novel that will appeal to readers who are interested in ancient history, politics, and the arts. It is a testament to Renault's skill as a writer that she is able to create such a vivid and engaging portrait of a world that is so distant from our own. Whether you are a fan of historical fiction or simply looking for a well-written and thought-provoking novel, "The Mask of Apollo" is well worth reading...
Robert Graves
I, Claudius
This novel tells the story of the Roman emperor Claudius, from his own perspective. Like 'The Mask of Apollo', this book explores the world of ancient politics and the ways in which individuals navigate power and corruption.
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The Persian Boy
This is the second book in Renault's trilogy about the life of Alexander the Great, told from the perspective of his Persian lover, Bagoas. Like 'The Mask of Apollo', this novel explores the intersection of politics and personal relationships in the ancient world.
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Fire from Heaven
The first book in Renault's Alexander trilogy, 'Fire from Heaven' tells the story of the young Alexander and his relationship with his mother, Olympias, and his mentor, Aristotle. Fans of 'The Mask of Apollo' will appreciate Renault's attention to historical detail and her exploration of the complexities of power and identity.
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The King Must Die
In this novel, Renault reimagines the myth of Theseus, the legendary king of Athens. Like 'The Mask of Apollo', this book explores the world of ancient Greece, blending history and myth to create a compelling narrative.
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The Bull from the Sea
The sequel to 'The King Must Die', 'The Bull from the Sea' continues the story of Theseus as he navigates the challenges of leadership and love. Fans of 'The Mask of Apollo' will enjoy Renault's vivid portrayal of ancient Greece and her exploration of the human condition.
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The Agony and the Ecstasy
This novel tells the story of the great artist Michelangelo, from his early years to the creation of the Sistine Chapel. Fans of 'The Mask of Apollo' will appreciate Stone's attention to historical detail and his exploration of the creative process and the challenges of artistic expression.
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The Borgia Bride
This historical novel tells the story of Sancia of Aragon, who becomes the bride of the notorious Borgia family. Fans of 'The Mask of Apollo' will appreciate the exploration of the intersection of politics and personal relationships, as well as the vivid portrayal of life in Renaissance Italy.
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The Confessions of Catherine de Medici
This historical novel tells the story of Catherine de Medici, the powerful queen of France during the 16th century. Fans of 'The Mask of Apollo' will appreciate the exploration of the intersection of politics and personal relationships, as well as the vivid portrayal of life in Renaissance Europe.
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