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Benjamin Harrison cover

Charles W. Calhoun

Benjamin Harrison


Part of "The American Presidents" series

In "Benjamin Harrison" by Charles W. Calhoun, readers are treated to a comprehensive and engaging biography of the twenty-third President of the United States. The book provides a detailed and nuanced portrait of Harrison, who is often overshadowed by his more famous predecessors and successors. Calhoun's meticulously researched biography covers Harrison's entire life, from his childhood in Ohio to his death in Indiana. The book delves into Harrison's family background, his education, and his early career as a lawyer and politician. It provides a thorough account of Harrison's presidency, including his controversial election, his domestic and foreign policies, and his relationship with Congress. One of the strengths of Calhoun's biography is its balanced and even-handed treatment of Harrison's life and career. The author avoids hagiography or demonization, instead presenting a nuanced and complex portrait of a man who was both admired and criticized in his own time. Calhoun's prose is clear and accessible, making the book a pleasure to read for both scholars and general readers. The book also sheds light on the political and social context of Harrison's era, providing valuable insights into the issues and challenges that faced the United States during the late nineteenth century. Calhoun's analysis of Harrison's policies and decisions is grounded in a deep understanding of the historical context, making the book a valuable resource for anyone interested in American history. Overall, "Benjamin Harrison" by Charles W. Calhoun is a highly recommended biography of a often-overlooked president. It provides a rich and detailed portrait of Harrison's life and career, while also shedding light on the political and social context of his era. Whether you are a scholar of American history or simply a curious reader, this book is sure to provide a fascinating and informative read...

List of books similar to "Benjamin Harrison":

Theodore Rex cover

Edmund Morris

Theodore Rex

This book is a well-written and meticulously researched biography of Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, who served between 1901 and 1909, just after Benjamin Harrison's term. Like 'Benjamin Harrison' by Charles W. Calhoun, this book provides a detailed look at the life and career of a president, highlighting his accomplishments, challenges, and the historical context of his time in office.

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The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt cover

Edmund Morris

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt

This book is the first volume of Edmund Morris's three-part biography of Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, who served between 1901 and 1909, just after Benjamin Harrison's term. Like 'Benjamin Harrison' by Charles W. Calhoun, this book provides a detailed look at the life and career of a president, highlighting his accomplishments, challenges, and the historical context of his time in office. It's a great choice for those who enjoyed 'Benjamin Harrison' and want to learn more about other presidents and their administrations.

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Martin Van Buren cover

Ted Widmer

Martin Van Buren

Martin Van Buren, the 8th President of the United States, served between 1837 and 1841, before Benjamin Harrison's term. This biography by Ted Widmer provides a detailed look at Van Buren's life, career, and presidency, highlighting his accomplishments, challenges, and the historical context of his time in office. It's a great choice for those who enjoyed 'Benjamin Harrison' and want to learn more about the presidents who came before him.

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Rutherford B. Hayes: Warrior and President cover

Ari Hoogenboom

Rutherford B. Hayes: Warrior and President

Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th President of the United States, served between 1877 and 1881, after Benjamin Harrison's term. This biography by Ari Hoogenboom provides a detailed look at Hayes's life, career, and presidency, highlighting his accomplishments, challenges, and the historical context of his time in office. It's a great choice for those who enjoyed 'Benjamin Harrison' and want to learn more about the presidents who came after him.

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