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The Story of Edgar Sawtelle cover

David Wroblewski

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle


"The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" by David Wroblewski is a compelling and richly detailed novel that explores the complexities of family, loyalty, and identity. Set in rural Wisconsin, the story revolves around Edgar, a mute boy who communicates through sign language, and his family's unique lineage of dogs, known as Sawtelle dogs. The novel is a reinterpretation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, and Wroblewski masterfully weaves elements of the classic tragedy into the narrative while still maintaining a distinct and original voice. The story begins with the death of Edgar's father, which sets off a chain of events that leads Edgar to question his own identity and the motives of those around him. Wroblewski's writing is descriptive and immersive, transporting the reader into the world of the Sawtelle farm and the minds of its inhabitants. The relationships between the characters are complex and well-developed, with each character having their own distinct voice and motivations. The novel also delves into the world of dog breeding and training, providing a unique and fascinating perspective on the bond between humans and animals. The story is not without its share of tragedy and heartbreak, but it is also filled with moments of hope and redemption. Edgar's journey is one of self-discovery and growth, as he learns to navigate the world without the use of his voice and comes to terms with the secrets and lies that have been kept from him. Overall, "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" is a beautifully written and thought-provoking novel that will appeal to fans of literary fiction and Shakespeare enthusiasts alike. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring bonds of family, both human and canine...

List of books similar to "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle":

The Art of Fielding cover

Chad Harbach

The Art of Fielding

Fans of 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle' who enjoy character-driven novels with a strong sense of place may appreciate this engaging story of a gifted baseball player and the small college that becomes his refuge. The complex characters and richly described setting make this a memorable read.

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The Dog Stars cover

Peter Heller

The Dog Stars

If you enjoyed the rural setting and the bond between humans and dogs in 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle', you may like this post-apocalyptic novel about a man and his dog trying to survive in a world devastated by a flu pandemic. The lyrical prose and vivid descriptions of the natural world make this a standout.

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The Goldfinch cover

Donna Tartt

The Goldfinch

Like 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle', this Pulitzer Prize-winning novel features a young protagonist grappling with loss and identity. The richly detailed narrative explores themes of art, beauty, and the power of human connection.

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The Grapes of Wrath cover

John Steinbeck

The Grapes of Wrath

Readers who enjoyed the rural setting and themes of family and perseverance in 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle' may appreciate this classic novel about a family of Oklahoma farmers during the Great Depression. The vividly drawn characters and powerful prose make this a timeless read.

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The History of Love cover

Nicole Krauss

The History of Love

Fans of the intricate plot and emotional depth of 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle' may enjoy this novel about a missing manuscript, a Holocaust survivor, and the power of love to connect people across time and space.

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The Immortalists cover

Chloe Benjamin

The Immortalists

If you enjoyed the themes of fate and free will in 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle', you may like this novel about four siblings who learn the date of their deaths and must decide how to live their lives in the shadow of this knowledge.

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The Overstory cover

Richard Powers

The Overstory

Fans of the natural world and the interconnectedness of all living things in 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle' may appreciate this sweeping novel about the lives of nine people and the trees that connect them.

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The Secret History cover

Donna Tartt

The Secret History

Readers who enjoyed the complex characters and sense of place in 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle' may appreciate this novel about a group of classics students at a small college who become embroiled in a murder plot. The richly detailed narrative and atmospheric setting make this a standout.

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