Part of "The Plantagenets" series
"The Last Plantagenets" by Thomas B. Costain is a historical fiction novel that brings to life the tumultuous final years of the Plantagenet dynasty in 15th century England. The story centers around the complex relationships and power struggles among the members of the royal family, including Richard III, Edward IV, and the infamous Richard of York, also known as the "Princes in the Tower." Costain's vivid and engaging prose paints a detailed picture of the political intrigue and personal dramas that characterized this period in English history. The author's extensive research is evident in the rich historical detail and accurate portrayal of the events and figures of the time. One of the strengths of "The Last Plantagenets" is the way Costain brings the characters to life, making them feel real and relatable despite the passage of centuries. Richard III, in particular, is depicted as a complex and sympathetic figure, rather than the villainous usurper he is often portrayed as in popular culture. The novel also explores themes of loyalty, ambition, and the corrupting influence of power. Through the eyes of the characters, readers are able to see how the pursuit of power can lead to both great triumphs and tragic downfalls. Overall, "The Last Plantagenets" is a captivating and educational read that will appeal to both history buffs and fans of historical fiction. Costain's engaging storytelling and thorough research make for a compelling and informative exploration of one of the most fascinating periods in English history...
Philippa Gregory
The White Queen
If you enjoyed 'The Last Plantagenets' and are interested in learning more about the Wars of the Roses, 'The White Queen' is a great choice. This historical novel, written by Philippa Gregory, tells the story of Elizabeth Woodville, a woman who becomes queen of England and navigates the treacherous political landscape of the time.
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The Sunne in Splendour
For those who are fascinated by the story of the Plantagenets, 'The Sunne in Splendour' is a must-read. This historical novel by Sharon Kay Penman tells the story of Richard III, the last king of the House of Plantagenet, and his tragic reign.
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The Daughter of Time
If you enjoyed 'The Last Plantagenets' for its exploration of historical mysteries, you'll love 'The Daughter of Time'. In this novel, detective Alan Grant becomes fascinated by the story of Richard III and the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower, and sets out to uncover the truth.
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The Lion in Winter
If you enjoyed the political intrigue and family drama of 'The Last Plantagenets', you'll love 'The Lion in Winter'. This play by James Goldman tells the story of Henry II and his family, and their struggles for power and position.
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The Autobiography of Henry VIII
If you're interested in a fictionalized account of the life of Henry VIII, 'The Autobiography of Henry VIII' is a great choice. This novel, written in the form of a memoir by the king himself, provides a unique perspective on his reign and the events that shaped it.
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