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As You Like It cover

William Shakespeare

As You Like It


"As You Like It" is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in the early 1590s and first published in the First Folio in 1623. The play is set in the Forest of Arden, a bucolic and idyllic setting that serves as a refuge for the protagonist, Rosalind, who is forced to flee the court after being banished by her uncle, Duke Frederick. Rosalind, disguised as a man named Ganymede, encounters a host of colorful characters in the forest, including her banished father, Duke Senior, and her beloved Orlando, who is also on the run from the court. The play is known for its exploration of love, gender, and identity, as Rosalind and her companions engage in a series of witty banter, wordplay, and romantic entanglements. One of the most famous and memorable scenes in "As You Like It" is the "Seven Ages of Man" speech, delivered by the character Jaques, which reflects on the stages of human life from infancy to old age. The play also features several popular songs, including "Underneath the Arbor" and "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind." "As You Like It" is a celebration of the human spirit, showcasing the resilience and adaptability of its characters in the face of adversity. The play's themes of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation continue to resonate with audiences today, making it a timeless classic in the Shakespearean canon. Overall, "As You Like It" is a delightful and entertaining play that combines humor, romance, and philosophy in a way that only Shakespeare can. Its exploration of the human condition and the power of love make it a must-read for anyone interested in classical literature and theatrical traditions...

List of books similar to "As You Like It":

The Taming of the Shrew cover

William Shakespeare

The Taming of the Shrew

For readers who enjoyed the romantic and comedic elements of 'As You Like It', 'The Taming of the Shrew' is an engaging play. This Shakespearean comedy follows the courtship of the fiery Katharina and the cunning Petruchio, who endeavors to tame her headstrong nature.

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A Midsummer Night's Dream cover

William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Night's Dream

If you enjoyed the pastoral setting and the playful use of language in 'As You Like It', you'll likely appreciate 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. This Shakespearean comedy is filled with magic, mistaken identities, and mischief, all taking place in a forest outside Athens.

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The Tempest cover

William Shakespeare

The Tempest

Like 'As You Like It', 'The Tempest' features a magical island and explores themes of exile, reconciliation, and the power of love. Prospero's journey to reclaim his dukedom and his daughter's hand in marriage will captivate readers who enjoyed the romantic and fantastical elements of 'As You Like It'.

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Twelfth Night cover

William Shakespeare

Twelfth Night

If you relished the comedic twists and turns in 'As You Like It', 'Twelfth Night' is an excellent choice. This Shakespearean comedy revolves around mistaken identities, unrequited love, and practical jokes, all unfolding in the aftermath of a shipwreck.

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The Winter's Tale cover

William Shakespeare

The Winter's Tale

Fans of 'As You Like It' will appreciate the blend of romance, comedy, and drama in 'The Winter's Tale'. This play features a jealous king, a long-lost daughter, and a magical statue, all set against the backdrop of a pastoral landscape.

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Much Ado About Nothing cover

William Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing

For those who enjoyed the witty banter and romantic entanglements in 'As You Like It', 'Much Ado About Nothing' is a must-read. This Shakespearean comedy follows the verbal sparring and eventual union of Beatrice and Benedick, two characters who, like Rosalind and Orlando, are initially reluctant to admit their feelings for one another.

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Love's Labour's Lost cover

William Shakespeare

Love's Labour's Lost

If you appreciated the exploration of love and friendship in 'As You Like It', 'Love's Labour's Lost' is a great choice. This early Shakespearean comedy revolves around four friends who vow to forswear women for three years, only to have their resolve tested by the arrival of four intelligent and alluring women.

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Northanger Abbey cover

Jane Austen

Northanger Abbey

If you enjoyed the pastoral setting and the exploration of love and identity in 'As You Like It', 'Northanger Abbey' is an excellent choice. This Jane Austen novel follows the story of Catherine Morland, a young woman with a vivid imagination, as she navigates the complexities of society and romance in the English countryside.

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Mansfield Park cover

Jane Austen

Mansfield Park

Fans of 'As You Like It' will appreciate the themes of social class, personal growth, and romance in 'Mansfield Park'. This Jane Austen novel follows the story of Fanny Price, a young woman from a humble background who is sent to live with her wealthy relatives, as she comes of age and finds love in a world of privilege.

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Emma cover

Jane Austen


Readers who enjoyed the romantic entanglements and witty dialogue in 'As You Like It' will find much to love in 'Emma'. This Jane Austen novel follows the story of Emma Woodhouse, a young woman who fancies herself a matchmaker, as she navigates the complexities of love and friendship in her small English town.

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Pride and Prejudice cover

Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice

For those who appreciated the exploration of love, identity, and social class in 'As You Like It', 'Pride and Prejudice' is a must-read. This Jane Austen novel follows the story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, two individuals from different social spheres who must overcome their initial misconceptions and prejudices to find love and happiness together.

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