Part of "Professor Moriarty" series
"Moriarty," a novel by John Gardner, is a thrilling and engaging work of crime fiction that serves as a sequel to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Final Problem." The story revolves around the aftermath of the fateful encounter between Sherlock Holmes and his arch-nemesis, Professor Moriarty, at the Reichenbach Falls. Gardner masterfully brings Moriarty back to life, exploring the professor's origins, motivations, and criminal empire in intricate detail. The narrative is set in 1891, a year after the events at Reichenbach, and follows Colonel Sebastian Moran, Moriarty's second-in-command, as he attempts to rebuild the criminal organization and avenge his late master's death. The novel is a testament to Gardner's ability to create tension and suspense, as Moran's efforts to restore the empire are constantly thwarted by a mysterious figure known as the "Mad Monk." This enigmatic character adds another layer of complexity to the plot, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the mystery surrounding his identity and intentions. One of the strengths of "Moriarty" is its richly drawn characters. Gardner successfully fleshes out Moriarty, providing a deeper understanding of the criminal mastermind's psyche and the factors that shaped his descent into villainy. Additionally, the supporting characters, such as Moran and the Mad Monk, are well-developed and contribute significantly to the overall narrative. Gardner's prose is sharp and evocative, transporting readers to the foggy streets of Victorian London and immersing them in the story's dark and atmospheric world. The pacing is expertly managed, with a careful balance between action, dialogue, and description that keeps the story moving forward at a steady clip. In conclusion, "Moriarty" is a captivating and intelligent crime novel that will appeal to fans of Sherlock Holmes and those who enjoy well-crafted mysteries and thrillers. John Gardner's vivid storytelling and character development make this a standout addition to the Sherlock Holmes canon...
Anthony Horowitz
The House of Silk
The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz is another great choice for fans of Moriarty. This novel is an authorized pastiche of the Sherlock Holmes series, and it features a complex and thrilling plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The book explores the darker side of Victorian London and offers a fresh take on the classic Holmes and Watson dynamic.
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The Beekeeper's Apprentice
If you're looking for a series that features a strong female protagonist and a clever mystery, check out The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laura Anne Gilman. The novel introduces us to Mary Russell, a young woman who becomes the apprentice of the retired Sherlock Holmes. The two team up to solve a series of baffling crimes, and their relationship evolves over the course of the series in fascinating ways.
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