Part of "Viking II" series
"Truly, Madly Viking" by Sandra Hill is a historical romance novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey to 9th century Norway. The story revolves around the life of a modern-day woman, Caitlin, who accidentally time travels to the Viking age and finds herself in the company of the ruggedly handsome and notorious Viking, Harald. Hill masterfully combines historical accuracy with a touch of humor and a lot of romance to create a captivating tale that is both entertaining and informative. The author's vivid descriptions of the Viking way of life, from their clothing and food to their customs and traditions, provide a rich and immersive backdrop for the story. Caitlin is a strong and independent protagonist who must navigate the unfamiliar and often dangerous world of the Vikings while trying to find a way back to her own time. Harald, on the other hand, is a complex and multi-dimensional character who is both feared and respected by those around him. Despite his tough exterior, he has a soft spot for Caitlin and finds himself drawn to her in ways he never thought possible. The chemistry between Caitlin and Harald is palpable, and their romantic encounters are both steamy and heartfelt. However, their relationship is not without its challenges, as they must overcome cultural differences, language barriers, and the ever-present threat of danger to be together. Overall, "Truly, Madly Viking" is a delightful and engaging read that will appeal to fans of historical romance. With its well-developed characters, rich historical detail, and captivating love story, this book is sure to leave readers wanting more...
Bernard Cornwell
The Last Kingdom
For fans of historical fiction set in the Viking era, 'The Last Kingdom' is a great choice. This book tells the story of a Saxon raised by Vikings who must choose between his birthright and his adopted culture. With its action-packed plot and richly detailed setting, this novel is sure to appeal to readers who enjoyed 'Truly, Madly Viking'.
Learn MoreKathleen E. Woodiwiss
The Wolf and the Dove
If you're looking for another historical romance set in the Viking era, 'The Wolf and the Dove' is a great choice. This book tells the story of a Viking warrior who falls in love with an Englishwoman and must fight to keep her safe from his enemies. With its lush setting and engaging characters, this novel is sure to appeal to fans of Sandra Hill.
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