Part of "Company of Rogues" series
"St. Raven," by Jo Beverley, is a captivating historical romance novel set in the late 18th century. The story follows the cunning and enigmatic hero, known as St. Raven, and the strong-willed heroine, Leonie Charnwood. St. Raven, whose real name is Ned Hawthorne, is a master of disguise and a notorious gambler, who has sworn to avenge his father's death. Leonie, on the other hand, is a wealthy heiress, who is determined to protect her family's fortune and reputation from St. Raven's machinations. The novel is a thrilling tale of intrigue, passion, and deception, as St. Raven and Leonie engage in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Beverley's writing is rich and evocative, transporting readers to the glittering world of Regency England, with its elegant balls, grand houses, and complex social codes. One of the strengths of "St. Raven" is the depth and complexity of its characters. St. Raven is not your typical romance hero; he is morally ambiguous, and his motives are not always clear. Leonie, too, is a refreshingly strong and independent heroine, who is not afraid to stand up to St. Raven and challenge his assumptions. Beverley also excels at creating a sense of tension and suspense, as the reader is never quite sure who will come out on top in the battle of wits between St. Raven and Leonie. The novel is full of twists and turns, as St. Raven's true identity is gradually revealed and Leonie's loyalties are tested. In conclusion, "St. Raven" is a highly entertaining and engaging historical romance, with well-developed characters, a richly detailed setting, and a gripping plot. Fans of Beverley's work, as well as readers who enjoy novels by authors such as Lisa Kleypas and Julia Quinn, will find much to enjoy in this captivating tale of love, danger, and intrigue...
Jo Beverley
An Arranged Marriage
If you enjoyed 'St. Raven' by Jo Beverley, you might like 'An Arranged Marriage' which is another historical romance novel by the same author. This book tells the story of two young people who are forced into a political marriage, but eventually fall in love despite their differences.
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Lord of Scoundrels
Fans of Jo Beverley's witty dialogue and engaging characters might enjoy 'Lord of Scoundrels' by Loretta Chase. This novel is a historical romance set in the Regency era, and tells the story of a notorious rake who falls in love with a prim and proper lady.
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Much Ado About You
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The Rake
If you enjoyed the romance and adventure in 'St. Raven', you might like 'The Rake' by Mary Jo Putney. This novel is a historical romance set in the Regency era, and tells the story of a reformed rake who falls in love with a young woman who is determined to remain independent.
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If you're looking for a historical romance with a touch of mystery and intrigue, 'The Secret History of the Pink Carnation' by Lauren Willig is a great choice. This novel is set during the Napoleonic Wars, and tells the story of a young woman who becomes embroiled in a dangerous spy game while trying to uncover the identity of the Pink Carnation, a notorious French spy.
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The Viscount Who Loved Me
If you're looking for a light-hearted and humorous historical romance, 'The Viscount Who Loved Me' by Julia Quinn is a great choice. This novel is a Regency romance that tells the story of a rakish viscount who falls in love with a headstrong and independent young woman.
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