Part of "Charlie Fox" series
"Second Shot" by Zoë Sharp is a thrilling crime novel that follows the story of protagonist, Charlotte "Charlie" Fox, a former soldier and bodyguard. In this second installment of the series, Charlie is hired to protect a troubled teenage girl, Paige, who has been receiving threatening messages. As Charlie delves deeper into the case, she discovers that Paige's father, a wealthy businessman, is embroiled in a dangerous game of corporate espionage and murder. With the stakes getting higher, Charlie must use all her skills to protect Paige and uncover the truth. Sharp's writing is sharp, fast-paced, and full of action, making for a gripping and suspenseful read. The characters are well-developed, and Charlie's background as a soldier and bodyguard adds depth and authenticity to the story. The author also explores themes of family, loyalty, and the consequences of violence. Fans of crime novels and thrillers will enjoy "Second Shot" for its intricate plot, engaging characters, and action-packed scenes. It's a great addition to the Charlie Fox series, and readers will be eager to see what adventures Charlie gets up to next. Overall, "Second Shot" is a thrilling and entertaining read that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It's a must-read for fans of crime fiction and anyone looking for a fast-paced and exciting novel...
Saul Black
The Killing Lessons
For readers who appreciated the gritty realism and strong female protagonist in 'Second Shot', 'The Killing Lessons' by Saul Black is a must-read. This psychological thriller tells the story of a serial killer who targets families, and the detective who is determined to bring him to justice. With its vivid characters and gripping plot, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Learn MoreChris Pavone
The Expats
If you enjoyed the twists and turns of 'Second Shot', you'll love 'The Expats' by Chris Pavone. This spy thriller follows the life of a seemingly ordinary American wife and mother who moves to Europe with her husband and children, only to discover that her past is not what she thought it was. With its complex plot and unexpected revelations, this book is a page-turner from start to finish.
Learn MoreTess Gerritsen
The Silent Girl
Fans of Zoë Sharp's 'Second Shot' will appreciate the strong female lead and intricate plotting in Tess Gerritsen's 'The Silent Girl'. This crime novel follows Detective Jane Rizzoli as she investigates a series of murders in Boston's Chinatown. With its vivid setting and compelling characters, this book is a great choice for readers who enjoy a good mystery.
Learn MoreErin Kelly
The Poison Tree
If you enjoyed the psychological depth of 'Second Shot', you'll love 'The Poison Tree' by Erin Kelly. This domestic thriller tells the story of a woman who is haunted by her past, and the secrets that she and her friends have kept for years. With its richly drawn characters and atmospheric setting, this book is a gripping exploration of guilt, forgiveness, and the power of memory.
Learn MoreMichael Connelly
The Black Echo
For readers who appreciated the procedural elements of 'Second Shot', 'The Black Echo' by Michael Connelly is a great choice. This crime novel follows Detective Harry Bosch as he investigates the murder of a fellow Vietnam veteran. With its gritty realism and intricate plotting, this book is a classic of the genre.
Learn MoreJane Harper
The Dry
If you enjoyed the sense of place in 'Second Shot', you'll love 'The Dry' by Jane Harper. This crime novel is set in the Australian outback, where a federal agent must investigate the death of a childhood friend. With its vivid descriptions and complex characters, this book is a powerful exploration of the human condition.
Learn MoreStieg Larsson
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Fans of Zoë Sharp's 'Second Shot' will appreciate the strong female lead and intricate plotting in Stieg Larsson's 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'. This crime novel follows a journalist and a hacker as they investigate a wealthy family's dark secrets. With its vivid characters and gripping plot, this book is a modern classic.
Learn MoreKarin Slaughter
The Good Daughter
If you enjoyed the psychological depth of 'Second Shot', you'll love 'The Good Daughter' by Karin Slaughter. This domestic thriller tells the story of a woman who must confront her past when a violent crime rocks her hometown. With its richly drawn characters and atmospheric setting, this book is a powerful exploration of family, trauma, and the human spirit.
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